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Because I sure as hell hadn’t looked at another girl since this one had come tumbling into my life.

I was really fucking grateful for those shoes.

Our uninterrupted time together didn’t last long—before we were surrounded by people. Girls congratulating Ella on the event, and my guys, who were all giving me thumbs up when they saw who was at my side.

“Ellaaa!” an excited girl practically screamed in my ear. “You look beautiful!”

“Thank you.” The brunette girl pulled Ella in for a big hug. Her friend was a little tipsy, slightly slurring her words, but she seemed like she was having a goodtime, so I didn’t comment.

“You made this?” the girl asked, touching Ella’s dress, just like I had earlier. Like it was impossible to not reach out and feel that shimmering, splendid fabric that hugged her curves just right.

Ella’s face lit up. “I did. I wasn’t sure if I was going to have it done in time, but…” She raised her shoulders. “Miracles happen, I guess.”

Like that miracle wasn’t her and how fucking talented she was. It constantly blew me away.

Her sorority sister gave her a slight pout. “When are you making me one?”

I cocked my head, looking at the girl whose blue lace dress cut off at the knees. I was pretty sure I remembered her, but I couldn’t place her name. Something that started with a W—“Wendy, right?”

Her eyes turned to me, as if she hadn’t even realized I was here.

“Ohmygod,” the girl slurred her words together, so they all came out at once. “You’re here with him?Cameron Edwards?” It was like the wheels in her brain were turning, placing us together. “But he’s?—”

This statement was addressed to Ella, but I was the one who responded, wrapping my arm around her waist and tucking her body into mine. “Yes. I’m her date.”

Ella’s lip slightly tilted up as she processed my statement.

“I don’t know when I’ll have time,” she addressed her friend. “There’s already a lot of projects on my plate between classes, working on my portfolio, and doing the costumes for the spring musical.”

Her designs for the musical had been on my mind, but I didn’t want to pry. Especially not if she was stressed out, because I knew how one comment could pile on when you were already worried about something.

“Oh, that’s too bad.” The girl pouted, and I shook my head. I knew it was right on the tip of Ella’s tongue to sayyes,topromise something else, because I didn’t think she knew how to say no.

“Sorry to cut this short,” I addressed the brunette before steering my date away. “But Ella and I were just heading towards the refreshments.”

“Oh. No worries.” She waved goodbye, darting back into the crowd to a red-headed fraternity member that I recognized—Peter.

Huh. Good for them. I gave him a wave before we continued on our mission.

“Do you know everyone?” Ella groaned as we walked away.

I chuckled. “No. I just tried to remember your sorority sister’s names. Seemed like the least I could do.” The thought of why else she might think that soured in my stomach.

She hummed in response as we slid up to the bar, ordering two drinks. I was grateful for the glass, as it gave me something to do—sipping at my drink instead of confessing all my thoughts to her.

“Will you let me watch?” I finally asked.


“Can I watch you sew sometime?” I cleared my throat.Was that weird?

She made a face. “It’s not that exciting, you know. And I end up sticking needles into my finger an embarrassing amount of times.”

I shrugged. “Don’t mind.” I didn’t care if it was the most boring thing in the world—I wanted to watch her work. Wanted to memorize every face she made, to watch her work if only so I could get into her head.


“Yeah? You’ll let me watch you?”
