Page 48 of Hitting the Boss

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"I have recently come across some evidence that Mr. Lyons is harassing the workers there. I was wondering if you would go to HR and make a report. This will help me get rid of him," I explained.

Bianca stopped her hurried cleaning and looked up. "He got me fired and threatened me. Why would I do that?" She made a motion across the room. "He said he took one for the team andassured me that I would have a severance package. It's how I have managed. Kids are expensive. I can't risk that."

"Look, if there is evidence of what I have seen, you wouldn't lose it."

"I can't repay the severance. I was pregnant when I was fired. Do you know how hard it is to pay the bills when you have a baby on the way? Can't get a job unless you luck out. Not with any sort of job protection."

"How did you get severance if you were fired?"

Bianca made a face as she pointed to me. "Exactly. NDA. Which is why I can’t say much. They know something bad is happening. He probably went to whoever and cried, 'ah, you can't do that to the poor thing. At least give her xyz.' It's hush money. It doesn't make sense. I was fired for telling him no. After he had enough of my protests, he got me fired but still waved enough money in front of my face that I wouldn't say anything about him. What's the phrase? Catch-22?" she said. She sighed and her whole body sagged with her. “It’s been hard and I’ve had to use that money for everything.”

"I’m trying to gather stories . . ." My phone started ringing and I glanced at it. It was Brian. I silenced the phone.

“Do you need to get that?”

“This conversation is more important,” I replied.

"The most I can do is to give you a list, but there is another list. I don’t think they all had NDAs. I think things shifted at the end. There are a few people there I wouldn't trust. They enjoyed it and I think some sent girls to go his way."

Bianca walked out of the room and came back with a list. The phone rang again. I hit the button from my pocket. "This is the best I can do for you. Good luck. If he is aiming at some new girls, godspeed to them. Or whatever." She passed me the paper.

I pulled my wallet out and handed her my card. "Here's my card. Call me if you change your mind," I said.

Her eyes read the business card. "Caleb . . . you . . . you're the CEO's son? Is this a trick?"

"No. I just started working there. I saw a friend that he’s started targeting. I wanted to help because I realized this wasn't the first time it happened."

Her lips pursed. "I don't really believe you but okay. Why can’t you do this on your own?"

“My dad doesn’t really believe in me. I want to bring in proof.” I walked to the door. Before I walked out, I turned. "Thank you for the list."

"Welcome. Bye!"

As I walked back to my car, I looked at the list she gave me versus the list I was given by Flora. There were a few names that were similar which meant that I could trust some of them. At the bottom, it read:

Do not trust Kate and Felicia.

I nodded. I didn't trust Kate anyways. I wasn’t sure who Felicia was yet but that would change. Whatever Kate was planning with Jessica wasn’t aiming directly toward me. I sighed as I opened my car door. How was I going to get rid of him?

Chapter 31


My hand touched the hot knob as I opened the door. This bar was one of the hipster places with retro lighting. My research showed that the place held an exercise class at the bar every weekend. All the women in attendance were wearing the expensive leggings that I could never afford. Kate and Jessica turned to me and waved. How fake were they? I sighed as I smiled politely.

“Just put your stuff by our bags over there. Our mats are over there,” Kate said.

I nodded as I dropped my stuff where they mentioned. My yoga mat unfurled into the air as I laid it beside their mats. “Yeah, sure thing,” I mumbled.

Kate and Jessica were standing on their mats chattering. Jessica turned toward me. Her sleek ponytail bounced as she talked to me. “How’s Caleb?”

“He’s fine. He does his work. He’s learning the process of the company. He’ll do just fine.”

Jessica quirked up an eyebrow. “Just fine? He’s not slacking off?”

“Or screwing anyone? I heard that Pauline? Paulette? Paula? They were in his office the other day. Blinds shut, ya know,” Kate said.

“Well, I don’t see what that has to do with anything,” I said. “Plus he never had any meeting with a Paula, or any sort ofpname that you mentioned. Sounds like a rumor to me. Nasty things, you know.”
