Page 12 of Talon

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“My thyroid pills and phone charger.”

He reached for my hand and pulled me against his side, slipping my purse over my shoulder and across my body. He dumped my charger, medication, and phone inside my handbag, then walked into the bathroom, dumping makeup, deodorant, and other essential items into the travel bag he found under the sink.

He paused to pick up my keys and shut off the lights on the way out. Talon locked the door after leading me outdoors and dropped them into my purse.

“There’s one more thing you need to know before we ride off.”

“I don’t think I can take much more,” I admitted, swaying on my feet.

He held me steady. “I know, baby, but this is important. The reason my club is looking out for you is because you have a brother—”

I gasped.

“—and he’s the president.”

Chapter 4

Ididn’t ask if she’d ever ridden on a motorcycle before. It wasn’t hard to figure out. She stared at my Harley like she thought it would roar to life and run her over with a mind of its own.


“Gail,” she corrected.

“Gail, baby, we’ve got to go.” I placed her travel bag inside my saddlebags and closed them. “Just hop on behind me and hold on tight. Don’t let go for any reason. Alright?”

She stared at me, lost in her head. I could see the fog in her eyes and the way she swayed. She wouldn’t last long. I had to reach one of the motels the club used or risk exposure, and that wasn’t an option.

“I have a brother. A biker president.”

“Yeah,” I softly replied. “You do. Come on, Gail.”

I threw a leg over the seat and fired up my bike, reaching out my hand.

She blinked. “Am I going to meet him?”

“When it’s safe, yes.”


“Yeah, beautiful?”

“I think I’m going to pass out.”


I climbed off the bike in a rush and caught her right before her head hit the ground. My body wrapped around hers, instantly seeking to comfort her, when I realized the shock had become too much. I should have waited to tell her about Crow.

It felt like an eternity had passed before she woke.

Gail moaned. Her lips parted as she whispered my name. “Talon.”

“I’m here, baby.”

Her eyes remained closed. “I’m dizzy.”

“We can wait until you’re ready,” I promised, sending a message to my crow. I heard the caws that followed as they took to the sky, wings flapping hard to ensure no one else surprised us at Abigail’s house.

If I weren’t so caught up in her, I would have realized Nick snuck inside. Yeah, I figured out who it was as soon as he spoke. The fucker came back to hurt Gail, and I wasn’t sorry I popped him twice for the effort. Too bad I didn’t have a chance to let the crows in. That would have been enjoyable to watch.

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