Page 46 of Talon

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Undertaker’s shrewd gaze met mine. “Tell Crow.”

How the fuck was I supposed to do that, chained to a fucking wall?

He stepped forward and yanked on the chains, busting them into pieces that scattered all over the dirt floor. I blinked as he reached inside his cut and pulled out a key, unlocking my wrists before slapping it into my hand.

“You have one week.”

I didn’t watch him leave, focusing on staying upright and conscious before I slowly lowered, propping myself against the wall as I unlocked the cuffs around my ankles.

Fuck. My vision blurred. I was too weak.

I’d never get out of here on my own.

I needed the crows.

Chapter 12

Crow rushed to his feet, striding toward the door and flinging it open. “Raven!”

The V.P. ran toward us, skidding to a halt before Crow. “What is it, pres?”

“Talon,” he choked, shaking his head. “Gail saw the crows on their way to him. He called the murder.”


Yeah, shit. But what did that mean?

Raven blinked. “Wait. Shesawthe crows?”

Crow nodded. “And she felt their panic.”

Raven’s gaze swung to me, widening as he cracked a smile. “Damn.”

“You guys are weirding me out,” I admitted.

Crow ticked his head toward the chapel. “Get in here.”

Raven entered, and Crow shut the door. He started to pace, frowning as their gaze met again.

“Okay. Someone talk. Explain this to me.”

Raven finally turned in my direction. “What you saw, that’s not something anyone outside the Devil’s Murder club members has ever seen. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

No. Not at all.

Crow glanced my way. “He means that crows only show themselves and what they can see to the one they bond with, which is always a club member. Most of us are born with the ability. A few haven’t, but that’s a conversation for another time.”

Okay. I let that sink in. “So I saw the murder flying to Talon, and that’s rare?”

“Not rare,” Crow countered, “but impossible.”

“Not really,” Raven disagreed. “She’s a Holmes. We’ve never had a woman bond to a crow, but that’s because the crows already bonded to the club member first.”

“And that’s not any different now,” Crow added.

“But she’s your sister. She’s Rook’s blood. That must have changed the bond or altered it.”

“I still don’t get it,” I sighed.

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