Page 36 of Hunted Heir

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If someone is going to question perps, it should be away from the main building. What the hell do I know? I’ve only seen this shit on TV. I would imagine they don’t want the family members to hear the screams of their victims.

I slightly giggle to myself as we bend, keeping our heads down, remaining as quiet as we can, moving along the backside of the garage. Most guards are conversing in the front as we stand by a partially open window into the back of the room.

All of us are viewing inside. The only noticeable thing about us is from our eyes up. Five sets of eyeballs are creepily staring into this room.

“If spotted there’s a good chance we’ll be shot,” I whisper starting to laugh as I watch my friends expressions. This is actually fun.

We watch my father enter the desolate creepy garage as Eden and I both shriek. Big claw like hands have landed on our shoulders.

“Back to the room, kiddos,” Ace laughs, pointing in the direction of the house. We chuckle, but not from amusement. Absolutely aggravated that we don’t get to see the show.

“Fine,” Eden states with a hand on her hip. “Let’s go raid the bar and the kitchen for snacks.” I give her a weird look. “What? It’s on the way. Plus, when I was walking around earlier, I noticed that they had boxes of food and alcohol. So many snacks, Taylor.”

We laugh as we follow Eden into the house, letting her lead the way.

The guards are definitely paying closer attention to us now, we’re stuck in this house for the time being, at least I am. If needed, I know they’ll just send my friends home, but I hope not. This version of life is different to all of us, especially me, and for some reason it’s an exciting break away from the school.

Hopefully it stays that way.




Remy was able to find us the perfect location in under five minutes away from the school. It set us back half a mill for six months but had everything on our list. Discrete. Plenty of land, forty acres. The house is made of stone, it’s not very big, but it’ll do everything that we need it to.

This house is our backup property, a safe haven from the dorms. If shit goes down or if Taylor is actively being hunted, and with all the manpower there, we can move her, to keep her safe.

If needed, we can even spend time between the places.

“We need better surveillance,” I state to Remy as I stand behind him. Remy is on his laptop, checking out the property that we just rented. “Cameras in and outside that property. We also need to get them installed in the dorm hallways and the outside of the school. I wish I could put one in Taylor’s room but they would never agree to that. A hidden camera, yes, but that just seems more creepy and for my own benefit.”

“Got it boss.” Fucker smiles. “I’ve already been working on that and this morning I hired a team from an old job. They were very discreet, they’ll be at the house by morning.” Remy nods toa couple paper bags on the floor next to him. There’s not that much room because we’re still in the dorm room, and we have all of our shit here. “These are cameras that I wanted to install. I’ll probably do it at night or early morning when everyone’s asleep.”

I nod, that’s a good idea. Even if he did it during the day, it would look like surveillance, but the kids are nosy here. The guards are even worse, they’re paid to be. We get some higher up brat, whose security insists they have access to those cameras.

We’ve done our research and there are a fairly minimal number of cameras here. The guards and the parents want more but the school is all about privacy and protecting its students. If we see a student beat the shit out of another one there’s not much we can do with it on the camera, because it’s not legal for the equipment to be here.

In all honesty, neither one of us give a shit about any of the other students, except for Eden, Remy gives a shit about her. The smirk lights my face as I glance down at Remy. Our only concern is making sure that one student is safe and has everything they need, then lives to tell about.

“I’m gonna bring in Bobby Cruz,” I state to Remy as he pauses at the keyboard. I would like to say that Bobby was always like a father figure to us, but instead an older brother that likes to beat the shit out of us all the time. Man is probably in his forties or fifties. It took me years to realize he was doing it to save our asses. To toughen up two little shit street kids who thought the world was at their fingertips.

Remy does cringe and he tries to hide it. Bobby would go after him more than me. Remy needed it more. He gives me a nod, he would be best for this job.

“Bobby can run the safe house, have you decided who you want to bring in?” A smile brightens Remy’s concentrating face.

“The Long twins.” I should laugh, of course Remy would pick those two. I have to admit, though, they are impeccable at their jobs and they would fit in as college students.

“Get a hold of them. I’m going to call Bobby and see if I can get him here.” Remy smiles again at me.

“I did it this morning, why are you still fucking around pretending to do shit for this job?” I smack him in the back of the head. I had meetings with Antonio for most of the morning and Ace, his bodyguard.

I go and sit down on one of the lumpiest ass fucking beds I’ve ever laid on. A college this expensive should have beds made of clouds. It takes me less than two seconds on my phone to find Bobby’s number.

“Hello,” a gruff voice snaps through the phone.

“Damn Bobby, you’re still alive,” I laugh as I hear the man chuckling.

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