Page 33 of Fool's Desire

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Desi's awareness was thick with desire, but she did as he commanded, watching their reflections with heavy lidded eyes that had melted to a liquid chocolate brown.

Joel's movements were innocuous—feathery touches, gentle sucking, tender kisses, light nibbles, the occasional wet lick followed by a warm puff of air to tease her senses. He targeted her neck, throat and nape, her collarbone and wrists, the underside of her breasts, her abdomen and the bones of her hip, but never ventured into deeper territory.

He set her skin ablaze with his innocent caresses, and all the while, he watched her watching him, and it almost seemed that the gentle exploration of taste and touch and sight was somehow imbued with much more intimacy than any of the erotic acts they had performed together. The heat of his caresses and the cosiness of his cherishing touch, together with the warmth of knowing the truth, thawed the ice around her heart a whole lot more.

Eons later, Desi's bones had turned to liquid and she could barely keep her eyes open under the heavy weight of her longing. She could feel Joel's erection pressed hard against her back, but his movements remained delicate and unhurried, undemanding, despite his obvious arousal.

It seemed like they might stay in this languid, leisurely state forever, that was if she didn't dissolve into a puddle at his feet, of course, which seemed entirely likely right now as her limbs grew more and more relaxed, and she seriously wondered how much longer her legs would hold her up.

As if he sensed her weakness, Joel's solemn, cobalt stare pierced her dark, dreamy eyes in the mirror, and he paused, placing his hands on her shoulders and holding her gaze for an eternity before he scooped her into his arms and strode into the bedroom, placing her gently on the bed as if she might shatter.

Never breaking eye contact, Joel stripped off his jeans and donned a condom straight away, then he crawled up her body, pinning her with his delicious weight, and taking her face in his hands, he bent his head and pressed his lips lightly to hers.

Desi's couldn't keep her eyes open another second; a soft whimper escaped her throat at the feel of Joel's mouth. He traced his tongue delicately across her bottom lip and Desi parted for him involuntarily.

Almost hesitantly, Joel sipped at her, tentatively tasting her softness. His tongue slipped in to slowly brush against hers and Desi ached at the tenderness of it, tears escaping the corners of her eyes as she savoured the beauty of this moment, which she knew would remain engraved in her memory forever.

Because Joel never kissed. On the rare occasions when he did, they were rough and demanding and only ever during a scene. But mostly, he just didn't.

Oh, in the beginning, there had been a few, when Joel had first pursued her and she had been an innocent, but they had quickly tapered off, and while Daisy might have yearned for the affection, she had accepted, as a quirk of Joel's nature, that he didn't like kissing.

She understood much better now, that, in fact, Joel feared the intimacy, believed it undermined his precious control. That knowledge made this kiss so very much more treasured and Desi felt as if she was drowning in pure, concentrated emotion that caressed the very depths of her being.

Chapter Eighteen

Joel's emotions felt kind of raw. He wasn't sure that this had been in the plan, but whatever had steered him on this course, he didn't have it in himself to stop it now.

As he cherished Desi's mouth, a peculiar warmth came over him, completely at odds with his usual demeanour.

For once in his life, he didn't want to tie a woman up and top her. He had the insatiable urge instead to protect and adore her, to worship her body and nurture her soul.

He didn't want to think about it too much because he knew that would send him running for the hills and, right now, in this time and place, he wanted so much more. So, he just kissed her and enjoyed doing so. Everything was slow and tender. Joel threaded his fingers through Desi's and pressed his hardness into her softness.

"Open your eyes," he whispered as he slipped all the way home. "I want to see you."

Desi opened dark, drowsy eyes that were seething with emotion as Joel settled into an unhurried pace, enjoying every inch of her tight sheath as it clasped around him with each withdrawal as if trying to stall the separation, only to soften and welcome him again on the return.

Desi's breath sighed ever so quietly, but Joel noticed that she still remained motionless.

"Wrap your legs around me," he murmured against the softness of her lips, still looking deeply into her eyes.

She did as he asked, but that was the only movement she made, and Joel knew instinctively that she would always wait on his command, even when they weren't in a scene. He understood that he would still need to give her permission, even right now as they immersed themselves in absolute vanilla.

"I want you to come as soon as you're ready," he told her. "I want to feel your body milk me to completion. I won't tell you again, so it's up to you now. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master," she murmured dutifully.

"Joel!" he corrected. "I am just Joel, right now."

He noted the confusion in her eyes and her voice quivered when she replied, "Yes…Joel."

He felt an unexpected surge of pleasure at hearing her whisper his name while he made love to her but maintained his easy pace.

The gilded coil of desire tightened around them, twining throughout their flesh as they undulated together in perfect harmony. When the tension shattered, they came together in beautiful synchronicity.

Desi made barely a sound, but, still, Joel felt compelled to capture the soft noises that seeped from her lips with his kiss.

As he gentled their interlude to its conclusion, Joel quickly disposed of the condom, then rolled Desi into his arms, pulling her softness against him and spooning her curves from behind.
