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More than happy, but I can’t think of a justifying word. Not when he’s sliding back inside of me. The tingles come crawling back.

Nicola is going to kill the both of us when I come into work exhausted tomorrow.

* * *

Two Years Later

“You’re doing alright?”

It’s the third time he’s asked since we started our stroll down the busy sidewalks of New York.

I can’t tell which is worrying him more. There’s the swell of my belly and ankles that constantly keeps his attention. He also went out of his way to get me a nice hat that gives incredible shade.


Fighting back the urge to laugh, I squeeze his arm a little tighter.

Dante isn’t the type of person who likes to freely roam the city, but I’ve been holed up in our room for the last week. With our son’s birth right around the corner, I want to enjoy one last taste of freedom before he gets protective over the both of us.

At the same time, he’s not the type of person to deny a request. When I told him I wanted to visit a cute café within walking distance as a date, he immediately bought me this hat and cute sundress.

I might smell like a bottle of sunblock, but I think he’s learned to love the scent. He’s been glued to my side since. Though, I can think of a list of reasons why he never keeps any distance between our bodies.

Looking over at him, I take in his outfit. Thankfully, over the years, he’s learned how to dress down whenever we’re caught in public. Unless someone knows his face, he looks like any other busybody out here save for the scars that decorate his skin. The only difference is, he keeps a knife strapped to his calf and a gun tucked beneath the band of his pants.

It’s just one of those things that come with being married to a man of the mafia. Hell, I’m not one to complain. I’ve never felt safer than when I am at his side.

When we slow down, I assume it’s because we are reaching the café. Rather than the smell of coffee beans hitting me, there’s a sweet aroma that drifts in our direction.

“Well, I can’t possibly turn down a moment like this.” Mumbling to himself, he pulls me toward the source.

When we slip inside, I’m quick to realize this is a flower shop. Lifting my sunglasses, I take in the mix of colors. I’m not one to turn down a pit stop on his end.

He chats up the shop owner and buys a single flower. I don’t realize it’s a daisy until he’s pushing it behind my ear.

“Matches the dress.” With his fingers lingering against my hair, he gets a close look at me. “Beautiful.”

Unable to stop myself from grinning, I tilt my chin up so he can get a better look. “Which part?”

He scoffs like the answer isn’t obvious. “Everything.”

This place probably isn’t the best to share a kiss, but he’s quick to get his fill. Once he’s got me flushed, he slips his hand in mine and tugs me out.

With my lips tingling and my heart pumping, I’m not even sure we’ll make it to the café. I might have to use my ankles as an excuse to return to our home and try to visit here again later.

Maybe we can look into getting something delivered. The possibilities are endless. As long as I’m with my husband, I’m not picky enough to care where. I just know I want this man more than ever.

Sneak Peek: Protected by the Capo


The moment Bria Mariani steps intoCrystal Cove Casino, everything on my plate is tossed straight away and she becomes my number one priority.

Nicola wants me to keep her safe while she’s on our grounds. I’m more than happy to make sure no bastard puts his disgusting hands on her. Something is keeping his attention, soI’mthe one who has to babysit.

She’s a Mariani, one of the biggest families in the state. Ifanythingwere to happen to her, the woman’s father would happily destroy everything we’ve worked for. Elias might be an old bastard, but he’s a loving father.

One who is more than willing to get his revenge for his little girl.
