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“Message if you need anything.” He saunters off and I’m left with my family.

I nod to the tequila. “What’s going on?”

Damon sits on the sofa next to me. “We have this tradition.”

“For when a brother fucks up,” Riley says.

“And you fucked up, dude,” Brody says.

“Do they always parrot each other?” I ask the group.

Elder chuckles. “Welcome to a family of twins.”

Peace clears his throat. “We’re not a family of twins anymore.”

Riley smirks. “There are still four of us and only three of you.”

Brody holds up his hand and the two high-five. “We win.”

Elder rubs his hands together. “What did the drummer name his twins?” He laughs before continuing, “Anna One and Anna Two.”

I snort. Damon elbows me. “Don’t encourage him. You’ll make him think he’s funny.”

Elder puffs out his chest. “I am funny.”

Miller grunts. “Are we going to do this or are we going to gossip like old ladies?”

I hold up my hands. “I don’t know what we’re doing.”

Brody grins. “Truth or punch.”

“Don’t you mean truth or dare?”


I look to Damon for an answer. He seems to be the most reasonable of this group. Other than Peace, but he’s a cop, and – brother or not – I don’t ask cops questions.

“It’s this game we play whenever a Bragg brother screws up.”

“I’m not a Bragg brother,” I’m quick to point out.

“Dude,” is all Miller says but everyone nods in agreement.

Damon continues as if I hadn’t interrupted him. “We ask you questions. You have to answer with the truth or get punched by whoever asked the question.”

Get punched? And here I thought I wanted to have a bunch of siblings who care about me.

“And you have to down a shot for every question regardless of whether you tell the truth or get punched,” Elder adds.

“I don’t drink shots.”

I’m firm on this. Have I gotten drunk in the past? Sure, I’m not a teetotaler. But I stay away from hard liquor and usually stick to two or three bottles of beer max. I have no desire to become my mother.

“You can substitute beer for the hard liquor,” Damon concedes.

Brody swipes the bottle from the table. “More tequila for me!”

Peace yanks the tequila from his hands. “No tequila for you.”
