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“I’m not afraid. I don’t want to go anywhere. There’s a difference.”

Katy Purry strolls into the entryway and plops down beside me. She licks her front paws while contemplating Dylan.

I expect him to skedaddle. Katy Purry has frightened off bigger men than him.

What I don’t expect is for Dylan to kneel in front of my kitty and motion her toward him. What I double don’t expect is for Katy Purry to stroll to him and for Dylan to pick her up and cradle her in his arms.

“Who’s a pretty kitty?” he coos to her.

I expect Katy Purry to swipe at him but her eyes fall shut and she revels in his attention.

“Go shower. I’ll feed your kitty.”

“I’m not showering.”

His nose scrunches. “Your choice but I would put on a different outfit.”

“I don’t need to change to sit on my sofa and watch movies.”

He smiles. “But you’re not sitting on your sofa and watching movies. We’re going out.”

I inhale a deep breath before I shout at Dylan. Shouting at him will not help. “I am not going out.”

He scans my living room. “I guess we can invite everyone here, but it’s going to be a little crowded.”

I throw my arms in the air. “I give up. You’re speaking in riddles. Why would I invite anyone into my house?”

“Duh. For your birthday party.”

“My birthday isn’t for another month.”

“Which is how we can make it a surprise.” He grins. “Surprise!” He sighs. “Although, you’ve ruined the surprise now.”

I rub my fingers against my temples where I can feel a headache beginning. “Do we have to do this surprise party today?”

“Everything’s already set up.”

“I’m not really in the mood for a party.”

“Don’t worry. Cash won’t be there.”

My heart squeezes and I rub a hand over my chest to alleviate the ache. Cash won’t be there? He left Winter Falls already? There go my fantasies of him wallowing in regret for breaking up with me.

Why am I sitting around heartbroken when Cash doesn’t even care? I might as well get myself dressed and off to a party.

“Fine,” I give in.

“Off you go.” Dylan herds me toward the stairs. “Shower, wash your hair, and change your clothes.”

“Yes, Mom,” I grumble as I follow his orders.

Thirty minutes later, I enter the living room to discover Dylan sitting on the couch next to Katy Purry watching television. I barely recognize the room. The empty containers are missing from the coffee table. The blankets are folded and laid across the back of the couch. It even smells nice in here.

“You cleaned up.”

Dylan stands and places the kitty on the floor. He smiles at me. “You look lovely.”

Hardly. My cheeks are red and splotchy, my eyes are still puffy from two days of crying, and my curly hair is out of control since I didn’t want to spend the time to blow dry it into submission.
