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He flashes her a smile and I nearly fall to my knees. Fender’s a handsome man but when he smiles and flashes those dimples? Oh my. Those dimples should be classified as weapons of mass destruction. Able to wipe out a group of women with one flash.

“You’re drooling,” Cash snarls.

I pat his chest. “Don’t be jealous. You’re still my favorite member of the band.”

“I know.” He winks.

I straighten my back. “Let’s do this.”

Cash grasps my hand and leads me back to the burial spot with his band trailing after us.

I didn’t expect his bandmates to show up today. But I’m glad they did. Their support – and goofiness – has made today bearable.

I sit on a chair in front of the hole in the ground. But today’s not over yet.

Chapter 18

Skinny dipping – two words you don’t expect to be uttered at a funeral


Iseethe as I sit next to Indy. Her mother is a bitch. How dare she not show up to her own mother’s funeral? After everything I’ve done to ensure Indy and her mother maintain a relationship, she does this?

I’ve already decided to win Indy back. But, if I hadn’t, I would be dead set on it now. Since there’s apparently no reason to please Indy’s mother anymore.

“Welcome,” Mrs. West greets. “Welcome to Saffron’s family.” She nods to Indy who grips my hand hard enough I fear I won’t be able to play the guitar for awhile.

“Welcome to Saffron’s friends. And welcome to our special guests.” Mrs. West winks at Fender whose cheeks darken until they’re bright red.

“We are joined here by our memory, by our lives with Saffron,by our affection, and by our sorrow. Let us spend a few moments preparing our hearts.”

Everyone bows their heads for a moment until she speaks again.

“Let us call for peace. May there be Peace in the East! May there be Peace in the South! May there be Peace in the West! May there be Peace in the North!”

“May there be Peace throughout the whole world,” everyone answers.

This doesn’t sound similar to the funeral for my mother. Although, that’s probably for the better. Having two drug addicts argue about a man they don’t want to share is not the memory I want Indy to have of her grandma’s funeral.

“We meet here today in both sadness and joy to bid a fond farewell to Saffron, a much loved member of our community. We are sad because a chapter has closed. Yet we should be joyful by the closing for allowing a new chapter to begin.”

Mrs. West smiles at the people gathered. “I now invite you to share memories of Saffron. Indigo?”

I help Indy stand and ensure her feet are steady before leading her to Mrs. West. I take a place behind her as she opens up a tattered piece of paper.

“Um… Hi. I’m Indigo. Saffron’s granddaughter.” She inhales a deep breath. “Grandma requested I share my favorite memory of her today. And by requested, I mean she ordered me.”

When everyone laughs, Indy’s shoulders release some tension.

“It’s hard to pick a favorite memory of Grandma. There are so many.” She pauses. “But this memory always brings a smile to my face and since I could use a smile today…” She clears her throat.

“About a month after Grandpa died, Grandma contacted me. She said I needed to get my rear end to Winter Falls post haste. I came as quick as I could. I was convinced Grandma was sick and dying. I was so worried, I was hyperventilating on the plane. They upgraded me to first class because I was scaring the other passengers. I spent my one and only experience in first class breathing into a bag.”

I’ll fly her first class wherever she wants to go. No hyperventilating required.

“Anyway, I arrived in Winter Falls to find Grandma perfectly fine. In fact, she was excited. She had ‘requested my presence’ because now that her old man was dead, she was getting a tattoo. And she needed a ride.”

Saffron had a tattoo? I wish I had met the woman.
