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“Duh. I didn’t record it.”

I lean close to whisper in Indy’s ear. “Are you going to tell Dylan we went to high school with Virginia?”

“And ruin my live soap opera? No way.”

I kiss her hair. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

For giving me the perfect way to get back at Dylan for being an asshole.

“For being you.”

She narrows her eyes at me but before she can question me someone shrieks. “CASH!”

I duck my head while the rest of the band forms a circle around us to shield me and Indy from any onlookers.

“I saw Cash fromCash & the Sinners.He’s here!”

“Let’s go,” Fender orders as he herds us away from the crowd.

“Don’t let them get away.”

Shit. We’re in trouble here and we don’t have any security. I don’t care about myself but I don’t want Indy hurt. These situations can get dicey as we learned one late night in Boise, Idaho of all places. I never thought I’d be glad Jett used to drag race growing up.

“Stop right there, young lady.”

“Get out of my way, old hag.”

“What’s going on?” I ask since I can’t see anything besides my bandmates.

“I caution you against calling the police dispatcher an old hag.”

I recognize the voice. “Is that Peace?” I ask although no one in the band would recognize my half-brother since they haven’t met my family yet.

“Is Peace a cop?” Jett asks. I nod. “It’s probably him. And he’s not alone.”

“The force is out in full,” Gibson adds.

Our circle loosens once we realize the police are on the scene. We form a line and smile and wave at the fans.

Indy steps away from me but I snatch her hand to keep her close. She’s not going anywhere. Not now. Not ever. I don’tcare if my no longer being single causes a shit storm on social media and Aurora tries to skin me alive. Indy’s mine.

The gossip gals march to the front of the group.

“Good thing I brought the megaphone,” Sage says.

“Why did you bring a megaphone to a festival?” Feather asks.

“The same reason I brought the binoculars. You never know when it’ll come in handy.” Cayenne lifts a pair of binoculars.

Dylan grins. “The gossip gals are awesome.”

I don’t disagree.

“May I have your attention, please?” Sage blares through the megaphone.

“You have a choice to make,” she continues. “You can turn in your telephones and cameras or you can leave Winter Falls. What you won’t do is snap pictures of the band and post them on the Insta.”
