Page 34 of Terror

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“I love you too, Maddox,” I return, my eyes already sliding closed as sleep drags me under.

Maddox wakes me up several more times throughout the night to worship my body. When we’re not awake having sex, we’re up with our daughter. My husband doesn’t let me take care of her alone at all. He’s up for every feeding and diaper change. Together we take care of our daughter and show our love to one another. It’s a long night and I know we’ll be tired tomorrow, but I wouldn’t change it for anything in this world.



Six months later

I’VE LEARNED SO much over the last six months. The main thing is that my girls rule my fucking world. Brindley has me wrapped around her little finger and I’ll do anything for her. She’s grown and changed so much over the last six months. I love seeing her learn new things, change, and grow into the amazing little girl she is. No one is more wrapped around her finger than her uncle Brick though. That man spends as much time with her as he possibly can and will disappear with her if he thinks someone is going to try and take her from him. Quinn is constantly looking for him to get our daughter back. It’s the funniest shit I’ve ever seen in my life. Ghost even gets in on the shenanigans because he’s gotta have Brick’s back.

Quinn has made such great strides in overcoming her feelings about not having any more children. She’s open to the idea of adoption and fostering kids. There are still days she looks at our daughter and I can tell she’s upset there won’t be any more little ones for us. We’re experiencing the only firsts we’ll get with Brindley and it seems as if it’s all flying by so fast. I have a feeling that’s why she didn’t want to go back to work and miss out on any time with our girl. However, she’s happy staying home and watching over all the kids. Every single day they do something different and there’s nothing she would do differently now.

We’ve heard from Rossi and Nathan is actually thriving with him. He’s proven his loyalty to the family and does everything for his mom. Sal was actually able to find a doctor who is trying some experimental treatment on Nathan’s mom and it’s working really good for her. It’s extended her life so far and there aren’t any side effects that we’ve heard about. Nathan is earning money and he isn’t suffering just to earn that money. He actually works closely with Tomasso and the compound he built to help victims like we took from Horton.

Marney hasn’t made an appearance since we took out Horton. She simply disappeared from Cedar Bay. I have a feeling she was here for Horton and only him. Not to work for him or anything like that. I’m thinking it’s more that she was in love with the man and he was playing on that shit to get her to do his bidding. There’s a definite connection there between the two of them that Goose found, we just don’t know the extent of it. Personally, I have no desire to find her and find out what her endgame was supposed to be with us. Or with me I should say.

Horton, Lopez, and the other dirty cops are going to be serving a long time in prison. None of them went to the same prison because of everything they were doing. It doesn’t really matter because we have people on the inside all over the place. And if we don’t know anyone, Sal does. Those stupid fucks are going to suffer for the rest of their days. They’ll be begging for death and praying for it on a daily basis.

I’ve been spending more time at the clubhouse instead of staying at the gym for long hours. I go to work, help with the classes and private lessons, and then bring the paperwork home with me. I honestly don’t even know how I got stuck doing all the paperwork, but somehow I did. It doesn’t really bother me because I can still spend time with my daughter and wife while I’m getting the paperwork taken care of. Ricochet takes it back for me when I want to take a day or two off. That’s a big change for me. In the past, I would go into the gym even on my days off in order to either train myself or help out where it was needed.

Another huge change we’ve implemented is building houses on the compound behind the clubhouse. The officers will be getting the first ones and they’re almost fully completed. I give it another two weeks and we’ll be able to move into them. Quinn and I jumped at the chance to get a house and be able to move out of the clubhouse. While we both love being surrounded by our family, it will be better for us to have our own space. We’ll still have our room in the clubhouse for when it’s needed in a lockdown situation or anything, but I don’t see it being used that often in the future.

Steel, Harley, and my parents make regular trips to Cedar Bay. They usually all come together and spend time with us while doting on Brindley. None of them can get enough of being around her and spoiling her rotten. Steel already got her a little motorcycle she can ride when she gets a little older. The bike is a dark pink with flowers and skulls painted on it. Her helmet matches along with all the pads he could find for her. I just shook my head at my father-in-law while Quinn started laughing her ass off. Brick thought it was the best gift ever. My parents usually choose age appropriate gifts for Brindley, but I don’t see that lasting too long. It’s just a matter of time before my dad finds something to equal the motorcycle.

Quinn and I are closer than ever before. When I think back to the time before everything started happening with Claw and Horton, I have to shake my head and wonder what the fuck was going through my mind. I was distant and pushing my woman away for no good reason. Quinn is the best woman for me and has given me everything I’ll ever want or need in my life. I have a gorgeous daughter, wake up next to my wife every single morning, and Quinn does everything she can to support me. When I want to step in the ring and fight, Quinn is the first one cheering me on and making sure I have what I need to train and get in shape for the fight.

Otter is still my best friend and he’s crazy as fuck. Willow had their baby. They welcomed a little girl into the family. Her name is Cassie. She’s the exact replica of her mama. I only hope she’s not as clumsy as Willow is. That poor girl gets in more trouble than even Darcy does. That’s saying a lot considering she’s ended up with Wood’s cock in her face more often than not. I’m surprised the man is still alive at this point. Belle and Dakota are driving Otter crazy because they won’t stop begging him for a motorcycle after seeing Brindley’s. I just sit back and laugh. I’m guessing it won’t be long before Crash and Trojan buy the twins motorcycles of their own. None of our dads will let another one beat them at anything. That includes the gifts our kids get.

“Babe, where are you?” Quinn calls out, her voice soft as she enters our room and heads to the nursery where I sit with our daughter. “There you are. Is Brindley okay?”

“She’s okay. Didn’t want to go to sleep tonight. Her stomach is still upset. I gave her a bath because she got sick again. I’m not sure who brought the flu in here, but I’m ready to fuckin’ kill them. Our little one is so miserable,” I answer my wife as she looks down at the two of us.

“Do you want me to take her for a while?”

“No. I’m good sittin’ in here with her. This is the only way she can sleep. The second I put her in the crib, she wakes right up screamin’ again,” I say as Quinn covers us up with a blanket.

“Well, I guess we’re all sleeping in here then. I’ll grab some blankets and pillows,” she says, turning to leave the room.

“Or, we could just try to put her in bed with us. I can sleep with her on my chest and you won’t be sleepin’ on the floor. I’m not lettin’ my wife sleep on the floor when we have a bed right through that door,” I tell her as I stand from the rocking chair and follow Quinn into our room.

She puts the TV on some animated movie and turns the volume down. Brindley doesn’t sleep in our bed very often, but when she’s sick and can’t sleep that’s our exception. Those are the nights our TV remains on all night long so we have some light in case our girl wakes up or gets sick. It’s just bright enough to not disturb our sleep and Quinn has the background noise she sometimes needs to sleep. That’s only needed when my wife has nightmares about Lopez and Horton. Other than that, she’s worked through everything that’s happened to her.

“Are you happy, Maddox?” Quinn asks me once we’re all settled in bed.

“Why are you askin’ me that, baby? Are you happy?” I return, not sure where this question is coming from. It’s so out of the blue.

“I’m happy. You know the only thing that would make me happier, but we can’t do anything about it. I want to adopt a baby. I got a call from Andrea and there’s a baby that’s been abandoned in the NICU who needs parents to love him. That’s something we have to talk about though. Not just between the two of us, but with our parents and the club as well. This doesn’t just affect our life,” she says, shocking the shit out of me since I didn’t realize Quinn was still in contact with Andrea.

“Do you often talk to Andrea?” I question my wife, turning my head so I can look at her.

“No. She randomly called me about this baby. It’s a little boy. He was born early to a mother who didn’t want kids. By the time she found out she was pregnant, she couldn’t have an abortion. The mom didn’t do drugs, had regular appointments with an obstetrician, and did everything right. There’s nothing wrong with the baby boy except he was born a little bit earlier than Brindley was. He’s on oxygen, a heart monitor, they’re regulating his temperature with the same light, and he’s having a hard time eating. They believe he might need a special formula so it doesn’t upset his stomach. Other than that, he’s perfect, she said. I’ve just been thinking about it since she called earlier today. I wasn’t even sure if I was going to mention anything to you,” Quinn tells me with hope filling her voice as she runs her hand up and down Brindley’s back.

I lay there and think about the situation for a minute. I mean are we ready to have two babies under a year old who were both born premature? There are so many questions running through my mind and I don’t even know where to start. Though, we do have a house being built, a lot of love to give, more people to help than we know what to do with, and a family who loves us unconditionally. Our parents would help out in a second if they knew what we were talking about right now.

“I guess we can talk to Andrea and find out what we have to do movin’ forward. If this is somethin’ you’re sure you’ll be able to handle and want to do, then I’m not goin’ to stop you. I’d love to have more kids, Quinn. I’m just not sure if we’re ready for two little ones under a year old who might both end up havin’ some problems because they were born too early. Have you thought about that?” I ask my wife as her face drops.

“I have. I don’t care what problems they have, Maddox. If they have any at all, I’ll love and support them in anything they want to do. This little boy has no one to love him. I just want to make sure he doesn’t get put in the system. We’ve all seen how bad it can be. I know there are good foster parents out there who would love and cherish this little one, but it doesn’t mean they’ll adopt him and give him a permanent home. It’s entirely possible he’ll get moved from one foster family to the next and that’s not good for anyone,” she says, tears filling her eyes.

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