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Sharing a look with Bo, I smile back at him before we shake our heads. Looking out the window, I see Liling out front ready to greet me with her father, Dr. Ethan Zhao, who introduced us the first time I visited Chicago last July. It didn’t get past me that Ethan, my Chicago captain, is an ambitious man, but they’ve both proven themselves useful and loyal.

Kai slows at the front of the steps as Liling eagerly makes her way down. Tao hops out immediately to grab the door for me. Ethan smiles brightly next to his daughter to welcome us. He bows his head to me, giving me that familiar feeling of discomfort from the gesture, but I don’t show it.

“It’s an honor to have you at my home, ma’am.”

Captains are flying in to discuss business, and Ethan was kind enough to host. I smile at Tao and Kai’s greeting as they call him uncle. He’s not their uncle by blood, but it’s a Chinese custom to address an elder that way.

“Thank you for hosting. And, please, call me Anya,” I tell him as he moves to shake hands with the rest of the men. Liling ushers me inside to the back sunroom, where we’re all meeting. It’s too cold to meet outside, but the room is all floor-to-ceiling windows and has that open feeling.

“Roy couldn’t make it, so he sent his son, Rocky, in his place.” When I don’t respond, she adds “Columbus” in a whisper.

Right, yes. Did I mention she was a godsend?

“Right, yes, thanks.” I smile.

“Aang, Isaac, and Geoff are also waiting inside along with Rocky.”

Indianapolis, Kansas City, Minneapolis.As captains, they handle money in their territories.

“Thank you, Lil.” I smile at her. “You are a lifesaver.”

“Don’t mention it.” She blushes. “Oh, I should warn you. Isaac is in a mood.”

I groan. “When is he not?”

Lil shoots me a sheepish smile, and Bo chuckles.

Isaac still firmly believes a man should be leading the Triad. He’s hated me from the start. It also doesn’t help that I shot his buddy all those months in our first meeting.

As we walk through the doors that lead to the back, the four men are already seated, with one of the maids pouring them a drink. She straightens when she spots me, and the men move to stand.

“Gentlemen,” I tell them as they bow their heads. I move over to the head of the table.

Bo greets his old friends before he and Kai sit to my right. Tao stands a few feet behind me.

Ethan strolls in and says something to the maid as he takes his seat opposite of me at the other head.

“Please sit,” I order as the maid rushes over to pour me a cup of tea.

I want to tell her I can do it on my own, but something tells me she takes great pride in her job. I smile and nod at her.

“Xièxiè.”Thank you.

“Can I offer you anything else to eat or drink, ma’am?” she asks as she bows.

“It’s freezing outside, so the tea here is fine.” Glancing over at Ethan, I drop rock sugar into my cup. “Your home is stunning.”

That’s an understatement. While it’s still a luxury mansion, something warm and homey lingers about the place. Maybe it’s all the photos on the wall or the antique furniture, with earthy green and blue tones, or the apparent French country-side theme. There’s nothing obnoxious or gaudy, but it screams quiet luxury. I make mental notes for a potential design for the home Nico and I will get to raise our family in.

The corner of my lips turn up at the thought.

“I’ll be sure to send your compliments to my wife. She is the mastermind.”

“Well, I’ll definitely be giving her a call when it’s time to decorate.”

I turn my attention to Aang. “How’s your granddaughter doing?”

Aang worked alongside Bo back in the day as a contract killer and is now in his seventies and retired. His eldest grandson, one of my enforcers, Jimmy, follows in his place.
