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“I remember that,” he says, his watery blue eyes lighting up in interest. “She’s part Russian, isn’t she?”

I nod. “She has family from the Amur region, but I doubt she knows much about her family history. She doesn’t have contact with anyone, as far as I know. The most important part is that we found that she met the minimum requirement of one-eighth Russian, specifically from the Amur region.”

Boris raises a faded blonde eyebrow. “Minimum requirement for what?”

“Breeding,” I reply flatly, watching his face for a reaction.

He’s just as stoic as I am.

“I need Valerie to give me a baby, and I need it to be within one year. I know this sounds insane, because it is, but rules are rules. We must follow the Bratva code,” I explain.

“Excuse me if this sounds ignorant, but what code? I don’t remember anything about knocking up Russian women in the book of Chazov.” At this point, he’s forgotten about his cigar. It’s gone out between his fingers, and he’s leaning so far forward that it’s a wonder he doesn’t fall across my desk.

“That’s because it isn’t in the standard book of operations. There’s another book. One moment.” I put my cigar into the ash tray again, leaning down and unlocking the bottom drawer of my desk with a small golden key. Inside, there’s a silver revolver and a small book bound in green leather.

I pull the book out and place it on the desk. “This is it.”

“I feel like I shouldn’t know about this,” Boris says, leaning back in his chair as he eyes the book like it’s poisonous.

“You’re my most trusted man, Boris. You’re allowed to know a few secrets,” I reply with a wink. “Just keep it to yourself, alright? If I hear any rumors, I’ll know who they came from.”

“Does Anatoly know?” Boris asks immediately, not wanting to be shot dead for something my brother leaked.

“He knew at one point, but there’s no telling if he remembers or not. He was cast out a long time ago.”

Boris puts his hands up. “I can’t be blamed if something finds its way into our ranks due to his negligence.”

I roll my eyes. “I’m not going to kill you over it, Boris. Put your damn hands down and listen. This book holds vital secrets. It’s the glue that holds this organization together. The book of Chazov is merely a guide. This…” I tap the cover of the book with the tips of my fingers. “This right here, islaw.”

“Laws can be broken.”

“Yes, but not blood oaths. Every ruling member of the Family has their blood on these pages, dating back the founding father,” I say, flipping through the pages until I find the directory at the back of the book. “See here?” I flip it over to Boris, pointing to the dark streak my own blood made across the page the day my father passed away. “I took an oath to follow every law in the book to the letter and breaking such a law would result in the forfeiting of my position.”

Boris’s face is pale, like he’s looking at the pages of a black magic book. I don’t believe in such things, but many among my ranks do, and something like this would be downright terrifying to them. I’m sure Boris wasn’t expecting witchcraft, but the original intention of this book is precisely that.

Now, in a more modern sense, the book has dire social implications. Many of the laws are tied to high-ranking Russian crime organizations who would be more than willing to find me and have me executed for breaking them. These laws are the unspoken bond between us all, and defying even one of them would result in a price on my head so high only God could pay it.

It’s archaic, but that’s what I accepted when I took on the role as head of the Chazov Bratva.

“So, Boris,” I say, closing the book and leaning forward. “You understand now why I need Valerie. Help me keep her safe, or everything you know and love will be wiped off the face of the earth.”



The eviction notice is unexpected, but what’s more unexpected is the fleet of Bugatti cars in every color of the rainbow parked outside of my apartment building as I step outside. The black one in the center opens as I stand in shock, and Pasha steps out.

“What’s all this?” I ask, running my fingers through my messy hair.

“You wanted them,” he replies with a winning smile. “Remember?”

“I mean, sure, but how am I going to drive all of these?” I ask with a laugh.

He walks up to me, and I feel like I’m meeting him all over again for the first time. His suit is impeccable, his green eyes bright with interest as he looks me over. It’s like we never even had sex, like he’s trying to win my heart all over again.

I thought he’d leave me alone once I gave myself up to him, but I was wrong. He’s trying even harder to win me over, and I’m just as flattered as I am confused.

“The cars are for you,” he says, lowering his voice as he looks down at me. “I’ll teach you how to drive manual. It’s really not that hard. Maybe we can go for a drive tonight. I’ll have a highway blocked off and you can drive without worrying about other people.”
