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Luis stiffens. “I don’t tolerate threats.”

“Who said that was a threat?”

“Enough!” Luis’s voice is deadened by the insulation in the plane cabin, but it’s still loud enough to make me jump. “The lady is coming with me for questioning, and you will be escorted to jail as a little preview of what you’ll have to endure for the rest of your life.”

It feels like someone is squeezing the air out of my lungs. We can’t be separated! I’ve been so reliant on Pasha that I’ve forgotten how to survive on my own.

What if they torture me to get me to start talking? I’m pregnant, for God’s sake. This can’t be happening!

“Come with me,” Luis mutters, grabbing my arm so hard that my muscles separate from the bone. “And handcuff this fucking idiot,” he says, directing his men toward Pasha. “Take him down to the station and strip the plane. The drugs have to be somewhere on this hunk of garbage.”

I want to call out for help, to scream for Pasha’s name as I’m taken from him, but I can’t say anything. I’ve sworn to stay silent and that’s what I’m going to do.

The air is warm and humid when we step off the plane. I can tell it’s been raining, but there’s not a single cloud left in the air. Normally, I would be in love with this kind of humidity sincewe get so little of it in Texas, but today it feels oppressive. I can barely breathe as I’m led down the rickety stairs toward a swarm of FBI vehicles.

The flashing blue lights are already giving me a headache.

I cover my eyes with my hand and Luis grabs it, pulling it behind my back. “Keep your hands down,” he growls.

I whimper, trying to pull away, but Luis’s grip only tightens on my arm.

“Listen, you little bitch. I know you’re in on this with Pasha. If you stop resisting and start talking, things are going to go very badly for you.”

Are FBI agents even allowed to talk to people like that? I’m not sure, but Luis seems to believe he can do anything he wants to because Pasha is a criminal. I don’t see that ending well for him, honestly, especially not after Pasha murdered three of his own people for being a little too rough with me.

Luis’s clock is ticking, and I almost feel sorry for him.

“Your silly little boyfriend is going to jail for a long time,” Luis says as we come to a stop in front of one of the many blue and white cars on the runway. “And you’re not going to be treated any better. I’ve heard some pretty brutal stories about women in prison.”

I want to slap him, but I know he’d use that as an excuse to manhandle me. He’s using every opportunity to abuse his power over me, and I’m not going to let him. I need to stay calm and remain silent. Pasha will fix this mess and we’ll be free in no time.

Luis throws the car door open and shoves me inside so hard that I twist my wrist catching myself. I scream as he attempts to slam the door on my feet. “Oops,” he says in a sarcastic tone. “Put your fucking legs in the car before I break them.”

I pull my legs up, tears from the pain blurring my vision. This has to constitute an abuse of power, but who will I tell? I feel helpless without Pasha. Nobody else will care but him.

Luis jumps into the front seat of the car, looking back at me through the metal grate. “You comfy back there?”

I shoot him a dirty look, but he just laughs and starts the car.

My wrist is throbbing worse than my legs are as I climb up into a sitting position. I want to berate Luis for treating me like this, at the very least scream at him until his eardrums bleed, but silence is my only response to the abuse. I promised Pasha I wouldn’t say a word.

“The station isn’t far from here,” Luis says, taking on a more chipper tone like he never attempted to hurt me. It feels like an attempt to gaslight me into believing he wasn’t actually that rough.

I refuse to look at him as his eyes appear in the rearview mirror.

“You’re going to talk. I know you think you’re being brave by staying silent for Pasha, but his ass is done. You might not even get any prison time if you cooperate.”

I’ve heard that lie before, and I’m not falling for it.

“And meals aren’t guaranteed, by the way. I know you think you’re entitled to three meals a day, but if you can’t open your mouth, I’m going to assume you have a medical condition that prevents you from eating.”

I hate that he thinks he’s being funny. Pasha is going to kill this guy the second he’s free. I can’t wait to tell him all the things Luis did to me.

Luis makes a sharp turn as we reach the main road, throwing me into the door.

I grit my teeth, pulling myself up as I glare at Luis in the rearview mirror. Just one more thing to add to the list of things I’m going to tell Pasha. I feel like the teacher’s pet, keeping track of everyone’s bad behavior so that I can rat them out when he comes back.

“You know we’re going to have to strip search you for drugs, right?” Luis grins at me in the mirror. “But maybe you like taking it in the ass. This might be fun for you.”
