Page 69 of Share Me, Daddy

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For a few minutes, we leafed through the files, reading and losing ourselves in drug deals, territory lines, and smuggling rings, until Anastasia cleared her throat, causing me and my brother to look up at once.

“What do you think Eduardo wants to talk about during the meeting?” she asked, her nervousness bleeding through for the very first time. As if remembering herself, the moment was gone in a flash, but I’d seen it anyway.

I understood her position. She needed to show her strength so that her men would follow her. Any sign of weakness could be detrimental to her right now.

I’d make sure to stand behind her every step of the way. Anastasia Kozlov was my little badass bratva queen, and I intended to let her show the world exactly that.

“Killing their key members was a bold move,” I remarked, my gaze fixed on the steaming mug of coffee in my hands. “But it also leaves room for uncertainty. Eduardo might be seeking revenge or looking for a way to make amends.”

Caden nodded, his expression thoughtful. “We need to be prepared for anything. He might propose peace, declare war, or lay out terms that acknowledge the Murphy-Kozlov alliance. Either way, we can’t underestimate the significance of this meeting.”

Anastasia, her fingers tracing the rim of her coffee cup, added, “We’ll have to navigate this carefully. The dynamics of power are shifting, and our next move could determine the future of our places here in the city.”

“The three of us need to come in confident and bold. We’re leading our families today, and we can’t show them any signs of weakness,” I added.

“Agreed,” Anastasia confirmed, and my brother nodded.

“We should get ready to go. The meeting is in less than an hour, and I want to get there a bit early to make sure we’re not walking into an ambush,” Caden suggested, his voice contemplative.

“I sent a few of my men ahead this morning. Thus far, they have nothing of note to report,” Anastasia added, and I nodded thoughtfully.

“Great idea,” Caden praised, his smile genuine and warm.

“That’s a good sign. We should still be careful,” I murmured, my thoughts consumed by the potential dangers we might be walking into.

With the gravity of the upcoming meeting lingering in the air, we set aside the breakfast dishes and cleared the table. We left the room and paused by the front door to pull on coats to combat the chilly October air.

Anastasia chose a red peacoat, the woolen fabric divine against her pale skin.

Before I opened the door, I paused and lightly grasped her chin. I couldn’t resist the urge to lean down and press my lips to hers, a sweet and lingering kiss that took both of our breaths away. After I pulled back, Caden tilted his head and stole a kiss from her, too.

With the taste of Anastasia’s lips still on mine, I opened the front door, revealing the crisp autumn morning. The car was waiting, and we stepped out into the chill, the cool breeze tousling our hair. Together, we headed towards the waiting car, ready to face the uncertainties of the meeting and the intricate dance of power that awaited us.

We were as ready as we could ever be.

In a show of deference, the meeting had been set in the middle of our territory at the Celtic Haven Hotel. Ramirez’s men were sparse and few between, well drowned out by the sheer number of soldiers Kieran had sent to support us. Anastasia’s men had surrounded the perimeter, keeping out of sight. Yet I knew they were there, and she did too.

I kept my eyes peeled as I walked through the luxurious hotel lobby up to the penthouse suite with Caden and Anastasia at my side. The suite exuded opulence, with rich mahogany furnishings and plush velvet chairs. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the room. Floor-to-ceiling windows offered a panoramic view of the city below, the sunlight barely filtering through heavy curtains.

We were led through the suite to the conference room by one of the hotel maids, likely a strategy to show that Eduardo didn’t mean any harm. Despite the fact that nothing seemed out of the ordinary, I still had my hackles raised.

Our weapons had been taken at the door, at least from me and my brother. Anastasia had insisted on keeping hers, which they’d surprisingly allowed.

I knew she was a good shot, and I felt relieved to know that at least one of us was armed.

As we trickled through the doorway, Eduardo sat at the head of the table, his presence commanding attention. A scar bisected the left side of his face, giving him a malicious air as he watched us enter the room.

“Welcome, Miss Kozlov, Murphys,” Eduardo greeted us with a sly smile, rising to his feet. The atmosphere was charged withtension as he appraised us. “Thank you for coming. Please, have a seat. I believe we have matters of mutual interest to discuss.”

Anastasia maintained her composure, acknowledging him with a nod as we took our seats. The tension felt thick as I peered back at him, lifting my chin just a bit to show him that I meant business, that talking to him was beneath me.

It was beneath my girl, too.

“It was a bold request, especially after that shit you pulled at my wedding,” I spoke, watching him closely to see how he’d react.

“I’m sorry for the attack. It was a mistake,” Eduardo answered, and I could have sworn I heard actual regret in his tone. “You see, my second-in-command, Juan Morales, came to me with information about an alliance between the Russian and Irish families, telling me that you were planning to move against us after the wedding. He claimed it was imperative to strike first to survive. However, I’ve just recently learned that Juan was lying. The sly bastard wanted me gone so he could seize control without risking blood on his own hands.”

“How did you find out?” Anastasia questioned.
