Page 9 of Share Me, Daddy

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This was my brother’s future wife who had just watched her father die right in front of her.

Jesus Christ. Be the fucking man she needs right now and not the horndog that wants to get underneath her skirt.

“There’s a bathroom with a shower just down the hall, and you’ll find a closet there with some fresh clothes. I’ll be right here when you’re ready,” I offered with a reassuring smile.

Anastasia nodded, and without saying a word, she made her way to the bathroom. I watched her for a moment, making sure she was alright, before turning my attention back to family business. I slipped my phone out of my pocket and quickly dialed my sister. When she picked up, I immediately spoke.

“Ada, it’s Caden.”

“Thank fucking God. Are you okay?” she exclaimed, her voice rife with worry.

“Yes. I’m fine. I was able to get Anastasia out of there, but by the looks of things when I left…”

“Everyone is alright. Currently, Kieran, Shane, Aidan, and Cormac are receiving care in our personal wing at the hospital. None of their injuries are life threatening, and I’ve flown in the best doctors in the nation to ensure that they get the best care. To be honest, we got fucking lucky. Our only causalities were some of our guests and a few of our soldiers.”

“They took Connor,” I added, my sorrow clear in my voice.

“What? He isn’t with you?” Her shock was palpable through the phone, and I swallowed hard, trying to keep it together myself. I was fucking worried for him. I knew what the cartel was capable of, and right now, I didn’t want to think about it.

But I had to keep it together for my brother’s sake.

“The Columbians took him. They surrounded us while we were trying to sneak Anastasia out the back. We didn’t have a chance. There were more than a dozen of them,” I explained.

“Fuck,” she murmured. I knew she was scared. I could feel it.

We were a tight knit family organization. Kieran sat at the head of the family, but Connor and I, Cormac, Aidan, as well as Ada ruled alongside him. All of us were equals in the criminal underground of Boston, our power unmatched by any other family in the city.

The Murphy name carried weight in this city. My siblings and I had orchestrated a criminal empire nestled in the very heart of Boston, with a particular stronghold in Southie. Our portfolio included a wide variety of lucrative enterprises, from gambling dens to restaurants to money laundering services, offering rich profits to us and our network of allies. While we maintained a steady hold on city commerce, our roots dug deepest into horse racing and the bustling trade at Boston Harbor. Additionally, we had a number of associates in the police force and in government office.

If we wanted something, we could get it. No questions asked.

“Did Liam make it out?” I asked.

“Yes. He’s here with me,” she answered, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Liam was our family consigliere. He’d been with the family for a long time. Truthfully, I considered him to be like a brother to us.

“Have him prepare a car and come to my safe house. I’m going after Connor,” I vowed.

“Promise me you’ll be safe. Don’t let them take you, too,” she demanded, and I nodded even though she couldn’t see me.

“I promise you,” I swore.

I hung up the phone and began to make some calls. I needed all the information I could get on the cartel, from their business dealings to their strongholds, fucking everything.

My contacts worked their magic, and within the span of an hour, I had a comprehensive dossier laid out on my desk. It detailed their intricate web of business endeavors, their primary revenue streams, and the individuals in the city who were sympathetic to their cause. Their strongholds were meticulously mapped out, pinpointing the locations where their influence ran deepest.

There was one place that stood out to me—the old, abandoned textile factory in the North End. Known as the “Silent Looms,” it was a decaying industrial relic that stood at the edge of the neighborhood, its once vibrant machinery silenced by time and neglect.

The Colombians had taken advantage of it. The factory’s vast, dimly lit interior provided ample space for their illegal activities, hidden away from prying eyes. The place had an intimidating exterior that would deter any curiosity from passersby. Honestly, it was perfect.

I was almost a little ticked off that I hadn’t thought of it myself.

I was peering over old blueprints when Anastasia walked into the room.

I started when I saw that she was standing in the doorway wearing only my white button-up shirt. She had left the top buttons undone, and it nearly reached her knees. The tension in the room thickened as I held her entrancing gaze, both captivated and challenged by her curious choice in clothing.

I took advantage of the moment and allowed my eyes to drift up and down the length of her body, taking in her long, leanlegs and her golden crown of wavy blonde hair that practically shimmered in the low light. The muscles of her thighs were beautifully toned, like that of a runner’s. My shirt hugged her body in all the right places, highlighting the gentle curves of her hips and the perky swell of her breasts. The material of the shirt was just thick enough to hide her body beneath it, yet I could still see the barest hint of the dusky hue of her nipples through it.

Naughtylittle thing.
