Page 121 of Impromptu Match

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“We need to plan something to welcome you to Goliaths. With all of us, I mean.” Gabe settled back, snuggling into Biff. “Pool party at Holt’s?”

Holt snorted. “We’ll see.”

After all the wrestlers piled out of the car outside Lupe’s Diner, I breathed a sigh of relief as I pulled away from the kerb. I liked them all, but I was getting extremely nervous about what was coming, and it was nice to be alone with Holt.

He threaded our fingers together and lifted my knuckles to his mouth, kissing each one. “How you feeling?”

“I’m okay,” I said shyly. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous. It’s silly.”

“It’s not.” His thumb rubbed over my knuckles. “Quitting is always nerve-wracking. You do it however you want, Taylor, however you feel comfortable. It doesn’t have to be today.”

“No, I… I want to do it today. It’s just… a big change. But a good one.” I smiled over at him. “I’m really excited, Holt.”

“Me too.” He kissed the back of my hand again, seeming reluctant to let go of me. “You’re too good for that place. I don’t want you to have to set foot in that depressing office again.”

I chuckled. “Well, at least we went out this time and didn’t go in there to fart in Chase’s office again.” A tendril of unease crept into my gut, so I looked over at Holt warily. “We didn’t, right?”

“Um…” Holt’s brow creased, light brown eyes unsure as he looked back at me. “I don’t… think so?”

As we both fell silent, trying to remember, Holt’s phone dinged in his pocket. He pulled it out to open the new text, clearing his throat after scanning it.

“Okay, um, that… that was from the guy I use for printing services. He said, ‘Just finished putting up the decal in the HutSec break room like you asked. I’ll invoice you for the rush job. You’re a weird fucker, Holt.’”

I gripped the steering wheel a little tighter, dread churning in my gut. “Do you… remember what the decal was?”

“No.” Holt audibly swallowed, gazing over at me uneasily. “But, um, I guess that means we… did go in there? Maybe?”

“Yeah,” I croaked, then sucked in a breath so fast I almost choked as a memory hit. “Oh my god, did Larkin take poop up there?”

“What?” Holt squawked.

“He… I remember he…” I gulped. “We started joking about going up there and…”

I trailed off as I recalled Larkin emerging from the bathroom, gingerly holding out a scrunched-up paper bag.

“Okay, bros.” He’d given us a firm nod. “Ready. Let’s do this.”

“What… is that?” Holt had asked while we’d both stared at him in alarm.

“Bag of poop.” Larkin had said it as if it were obvious. “For the flaming bag of poop. That’s a thing you do to prank people, right?”

“No one’s even in there,” I’d said in mild horror, while Holt had barked, “No one asked you to shit in a fucking bag, Larkin!”

He’d looked down at it, wings drooping. “What am I meant to do with it, then?”

“Go and flush it! Oh my god, Larkin.”

I let out a slow breath as the office building came into view up ahead. “Okay, I don’t think he took it up there,” I told Holt. “He pooped in a bag, but he… flushed it when you told him to. I think.”

Holt exhaled heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose. He muttered, “If I find a bag of fae shit on my desk…”

Despite Holt giving me a long, deep kiss for good luck before I got on the elevator, I was incredibly nervous as I made my way up to the HutSec office. Mainly because I couldn’t remember what we’d done up there. What Holt could have possibly wanted made into a decal and stuck to the break room’s wall, going as far as paying for an overnight rush job so it was up there before I quit.

I was early, so no one else was in the office yet as I beelined straight for the break room.

The first thing I noticed as I stepped into the room was a pyramid of almond milk cartons stacked on a table. But they had to all be empty, because the sink was filled to the brim with an off-white milky liquid. Oh my god, had we really stood in here pouring carton after carton of milk into the sink? Why? How was that funny? And how the hell had we even got our hands on that much almond milk?
