Page 162 of King of Shadows

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I can't lose my best friend, I can't lose my family, I can't lose myself.

I must comply.

I must do it.

It's time to go.





I pack my suitcase while the memories attack me, right now my head is in a mess, I don't understand which direction to go to give each situation its due time. I packed a couple of things, if they took me out the reason was clear and it was that now they were going to go after Fabian and Massimo who were after me for everything I had caused.

I didn't just show up at the Rinaldi house.

I didn't just kill Helena's daughter.

I didn't just get my best friend out of Apulia.

I didn't just bring Helena to sudden death.

I didn't just show myself as the mafia lady to my enemies.

I am a danger to them, I go with my entire family leading, thinking and organizing together with them so that we get rid of the problem as soon as possible. Which means that it doesn't suit any of them, and taking into account Fabian's temperament, it's very clear that he's going to come after me until he sees me dead.

David enters with a suitcase ready on his shoulders, the bruises continue to stain his skin, he takes my hand and covers it with both hands transmitting his warmth.

—Forgive me, it's my fault.

-Because you said so?

"Because it was my fault for saying about Trixi," he exhales heavily. I didn't want to, but they were going to offer me a chance to rape me among several people, they had already beaten me and I no longer saw a way out even though they were there in Apulia to save me. I had to tell you that the girl was with you, I'm really sorry, it wasn't my intention. I was just trying to get safe for a couple more days, I was trying to resist Meg.

I bring my free hand to his cheek, gently caressing his battered skin.

—I think if we were all in that position we would have done it, it was a survival mechanism, it was something you had to say so that they wouldn't touch you, so that they wouldn't really hurt you David —I remove my hand—. In the event that there were culprits, it would be mine because I wanted to mix you into my new life when it had already been taken over by the Marinos to belong to the 'Ndrangheta. It was my fault that you suffered, that someone was killed before your eyes and on top of that you went through that torment at the hands of the Rinaldis. I'm so sorry David.

"You shouldn't," he intervenes. I wanted to stay with you because you are my sister, we have always been together, we have always extended our hand to each other when it was most necessary. The decision was mine, whether to stay or leave so as not to get involved in any problems, and I chose this but with every hour that passes I feel more guilty for having given them answers.

—Did you say anything else?

—No, I distorted everything so that they couldn't understand how they were going to proceed—his jaw tenses—however, they asked about the girl because somehow they knew it had to do with us. I told you, I was an idiot.

—You are not, you will never be because thanks to that you are standing before me today.

—I know, I'm also very sorry about your mother.

—I don't want to talk about that, right now I just want to clear my mind because the reunion with my father and my half-sister was not something that completely freed me —I sigh—. I feel like I did the right thing, but at the same time I think that there is something inside me that hurts and right now is not the time to lie on the ground to cry and wait for someone to save me. I do not need anyone.

—You've changed, you're growing, Meg.

—I try that every day, I wouldn't like to be left behind while everyone grows up. I'm not a little girl, not anymore.

—I am very sure of that and I am proud.
