Page 39 of Syndicate Mayhem

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Well, now that sounded interesting. My boss side calmed down at the word sex. What she was selling piqued my curiosity, and I made my decision.

I crawled up before shooting out my wings. Her eyes caught on the iridescent colors shifting, knowing that I bought myself a few seconds head start, I shot away from her. I looked back for a second as I saw her beautiful face light up with a brutal smile, one that made her look like a serial killer. It was still dangerously gorgeous but spooky, causing my instincts to drive me forward.

Slicing through the air, I made a quick dart through the thin trees. While this kind of desert forest wasn't good for hiding, it was good for making quick decisions in changing course. I kicked at trees to change my direction, switching flight patterns from high to low, and made sure I lost her. There was no way she caught up to me with all the diversion of patterns I was accomplishing.

This was accelerating. Moving quickly, making fast decisions, or else I would get caught by the monster chasing me. There was aprimal freedom to it, making me feel more and more alive as my heart beat double time. My wings burned, but it was a good kind of burn, the one you got from extensive use.

A tiny bead of sweat slid down the side of my face, and I realized how much effort I put into this running business. I slowed my pace, readying myself to turn around to gauge how far away she was, when I felt a chill run down my spine.

I felt a flash of cold wind hit me as she zoomed past me. I slowed even further, my pulse in my neck throbbing as I realized that she was behind me the whole time. Now, she was in front, setting a trap for me.

Backing up, I felt like the best course of action was to go backwards when a cold hand wrapped around my neck as a husky, dark female voice whispered, “Where do you think you're going?” My head jerked just as my body lurched forward, trying to get away on instinct, but I was yanked back, my head bent sideways as her fangs slammed into my neck.

The adrenaline pumping in my veins was warring with the flight instincts that my body was feeling. My wings fluttered against her, hands clawing at hers, which just caused her to grip me harder. All of this was going on while somewhere inside of me remembered that this was my mate, and I really liked it when she sank her fangs into me.

As my body was beginning to lose its fight, her other hand snaked around me, unzipped my pants in one quick motion before my rigid cock sprung forward, and she gripped it. That part of my body was pumping so much blood that it was aboutto bust. For someone who thought they had seen and done it all, this whole experience opened up a new kind of exhilaration for me.

She ran her hand up and down, squeezing the tip just how I liked when she dislodged herself from me, and I moaned out at the loss. She quickly turned me around and shoved me to my knees. I would’ve complained, not liking the desert dirt all over my new clothes, when I looked up at her and lost my breath. Her head blocked the moon, but its rays lit up behind her head, almost making her white hair glow around her. Her fangs were dripping red as she made a mess licking at her lips, staining her pale skin with my blood. The smirk on her lips and the triumph in her eyes made her look like a warrior goddess ready to take down her kill.

I was in awe of her.

She ran her hand through my hair softly, playing with the ends. “Do you understand, my fairy, how this game could be played?” She ran her nail up my chin. “How you can have fun even as the prey?” I nodded, not knowing what else to do as she caught me in her spell.

She swung her leg that had the slit in her skirt up and over my shoulder, bringing her center so close I could smell the sweet scent, and my mouth watered. Her fingers gripped onto my hair as she tilted my head back to look directly up to her. “Now, devour me just like I did you.”

I ran both my hands up the backs of her thighs. A small hiss of a breath escaped her as I moved my face forward and whispered, “I will capture your orgasm like it's my prey.” I yanked herforward, pushing my whole face against her as she tilted her head up to the sky.

Grabbing her ass with both hands, I made sure that while she felt in control with her hand in my hair, I was equally in control with her body in my hands. I ran my nose against her clit, digging my fingers into her ass so hard I knew she felt me from both ends.

I swiped out my tongue, licking at her center like a starved man. I wanted all of her. I wanted to drown in her wetness, and make a mess of her between these silky pale thighs. While she might be the one that conquered the hunt, I would be the one that conquered her body, making her bend to my will with the tip of my tongue.

Her pants came out short and choppy as her fingers twisted in my hair. The pain in my scalp only pushed me further. I flicked my tongue over her clit, switching between slow and long to short and quick. The animal groans coming from her mouth were pushing me to do more, go harder, get more of her to crumble above me.

Her hips bucked against my face, but I kept my firm grip on her ass, keeping her still for me, and it was driving her wild. “Fuck, Avery. I want to just lay you down and fuck your face into the dirt. I want you covered in me.”

I shuddered at her words, envisioning her doing just that, and I reached down, running a hand over my cock, feeling the pre-cum leaking out at the tip. I collected as much as I could before shoving my tongue and a cum-covered finger inside of her.

She screeched out, letting go of my hair as she cried out, moaning so loud I was surprised someone didn't come over right away to check on us. I felt her pussy clamping down on me as I swirled my tongue and pumped my finger in and out of her, playing with two different sensations at the same time.

“Shit. Oh, gooodd, Avery!” She was singing now, just how I liked my canary. She was close to finishing out her last tune, giving me everything that I wanted.

I craved for her to come so loudly that the others would show up, yelling at me. Telling me I ruined everything as my face glistened with her cum and all of their jealous eyes were on me. I wanted her cum to stain my face just like my blood stained hers. Marking us both as each other’s in every way.

Just as I was about to claim my prize, she stiffened, and a slow clap came from behind me.

“I'm a dedicated stalker, and I have watched my rose for many sessions, but this one is going to be cataloged in my brain forever. Good job.”

Fucking psycho stalker.

Rayla jumped back like I knew she would, I’m sure feeling like it was two on one, and she didn't want to give up that easily. Her competitive streak was unparalleled like that.

I almost had it.My shoulders slumped as I ground my teeth together. “Fuck you, Lex.”

Lex appeared next to me, smoke wafting off him as he called out in shock, “Fuck me? Oh, I don't swing that way, even if you are the pretty one, but damn, oh, man, did I enjoy that little show.” His voice turned soft and hungry. “My rose, you looked so exquisite. I almost walked over to tear you away and fuck you silly just so I could claim your sweet and tempting orgasm . . . .” He licked his lips as his hands turned into fists. “But I kept my composure. I made sure the game was going to be good and fruitful.”

He turned to glare at me, and I knew why, but I didn't care. I almost had it!

Rayla’s gaze bounced between us as before I watched as hers turned from the hazy, pleasure-filled one to a calculating, assessing one. Fucking damn it! My window had closed. Fuck!
