Page 72 of From the Ashes

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“I don’t give a shit who is with us as long as we go.Now,” I tell him.

“I’ll take you,” Rodberg offers and signals for us to go.

We walk out of the apartments and down to the waiting cars. He already has cars waiting for us. Some will go in one direction, and we will go in another. We head to the nearest doctor, who happens to be at the hospital. With the security detail and priority treatment, Makaylie is ushered into a priority room, and I am allowed in there with her—not that they could stop me. Rodberg stands guard outside as we wait for the doctor to come in with her results after doing some scans and bloodwork.

I stand by her side, gently stroking her hair as she exhales like she’s annoyed. “This all seems a little dramatic, don’t you think?”

Smirking, I shake my head. “For you, little dove, I would clear this entire hospital if needed.”

“But is Trap out there. Are we in danger? Could he find us here?” she asks.

“No… that’s why I came back. Because Trap won’t ever come after us again.”

She scrunches up her face in the adorable way that hits me right in the heart. “Are you sure? I mean… why are they still so security conscious if he’s gone?”

“Because they don’t know yet what I know. But trust me, Makaylie. I wouldn’t lie to you. Do you trust me?”

Her eyes meet mine and she smiles with a genuine nod. “With my life.”

“He’s gone.”

She exhales, and it feels like a sigh of relief as she sinks back, closes her eyes, and breathes. “We’re free.”

I continue to stroke her hair and plant a tender kiss on her forehead. “We’re free, baby.”

A single tear slides down her cheek, just as the door to our room opens and a young lady doctor walks in. “Hello, Miss Rayne. How are you feeling?”

“A lot calmer now, thank you.”

She glances at me, opens her folder, reads some notes, and smiles. “Are you okay for…” she pauses, looking at me for confirmation.

“Cain,” I fill in her blank.

“For Cain to be here while I give you your results?”

Makaylie nods emphatically. “Yes, of course. He’s my boyfriend. Anything you say to me, you can say in front of him.”

The doctor dips her head. “In that case, Miss Rayne, the reason you’re experiencing dizziness and nausea is quite simple… you have morning sickness.”

My eyes widen as I snap my head to Makaylie as she gasps. “I… I’m pregnant?”

“I… I’m going to be a dad?” I let out a small, shocked laugh.

The doctor chuckles. “Yes, and yes. You’re about three months along, give or take. I need to do an ultrasound to better understand how everything is going. I will organize that right now, and you can see your baby up close.”

My eyes meet Makaylie’s, and I see it register the second it does in mine too.

“Makaylie was attacked last month, and she almost drowned. They had to perform CPR and used a defibrillator. Could that be an issue for the baby?” I ask.

The doctor scribbles some notes in her folder. “That’s helpful to know. Contrary to popular belief, using a defibrillator on a pregnant woman isn’t known to pose any significant risk to the mother or fetus. I can’t say for sure without checking, so let’s do the scan, and we can put all our worries to bed. I’ll be right back.”

She walks out, and I turn to Makaylie, seeing real fear in her eyes. Her hand moves to her stomach, and she bites her bottom lip.

“No matter what these results show, we’re going to love this baby so fucking much. We’re going to give our child the best life. A life free from the Bachelors.” I shake my head and curl my lip. “You know what? There’s too much history for us here in Baton Rouge. We’re going to get out of here. Where would you like to go?”

She lets out a small laugh like she thinks I’m joking. “Cain, we can’t leave. I’m pregnant, with possibly a sick baby—”

“Little dove, I have billions of Bachelors’ money stowed away for safekeeping. We can go any-fucking-where you want to go. We will hire our own personal doctor to take care of you. I think Baton Rouge isn’t a good place for us to live our lives.”

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