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Umbrawas looking things up.

I changed my mind.

I needed a phone.

“Gem.” My eyes snapped to him as his grip closed around my chin. My breathing settled instantly.


“I’m going to set up the TV. You are going to tell Roxy that you want to hear what her ideal slumber party is, what her favourite snack food is, and what movies she likes. You’re goingto collect the data she gives you and figure out the right move from there.”

“Oh. Okay.” That sounded surprisingly doable.

A plan.

I could execute a plan. Especially when data was involved.

Later, I was curled up with Roxy in my bed. The movie on the TV was far more educational than I was expecting, with really pretty blonde girls explaining social cues and complexities in a way that was really easy to understand. I took mental notes. I had to watch more of these.

There was a tray of tea on the bedside table, and two huge baskets of snacks, from chocolate bars to popcorn, and a variety of chips.

Roxy had all but pounced on the chocolate bars when they’d arrived, which meant Umbra had picked right, and I was starting to get the impression that music wasn’t a necessary feature of a slumber party even though it was a party—since Roxy hadn’t brought it up.

Finally, Roxy got sleepy and curled up at my side, pillow in one arm, stack of chocolate bars in the other.

I buried myself between the covers and pulled the duvet over us.

“It was the perfect slumber party,” she said with a yawn.

Was it?

“Oh. Good.” I ducked my face into pillows so she wouldn’t see my stupid smile.

“And I like your scent. It’s really… calming.”

“Calming?” I asked. That was new.

Maybe bonding alphas really had toned it down like Uncle had said it might.

“It’s like jasmine and earth… a little deadly. I like it.”

“Thank you,” I whispered.

“It’s unique… different…” She yawned again, a small smile on her face. “Everything they’re going to hate when they find out… When you’re ready…”

I frowned.

Would I ever be ready?

I was still so scared of them.

I wasn’t scared of the idea of them hating my scent, though. I thought maybe thatwasa little satisfying, actually.

“What about the ball?” she asked.

“The ball?”

“Next weekend. It’s the charity event they’re hosting.”
