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It was full of duelling monsters and looked pretty challenging, to be honest. But they’d been battling each other almost every night since we’d arrived, and it did put a smile on my face—watching them get competitive over it.

On the other hand, Ransom’s catch-up studying had been abandoned entirely. He’d taken me out for lunch today, which was great, and we’d fucked again, but he had retained nothing at all. He was smart, but it wouldn’t be enough at this rate.

Instead of pushing it, I’d happily joined Roxy this afternoon. She was still setting up her new apartment. Since it was pack-sized, she had room for a nest.

She swore blind she’d never been happier now she was enrolled without needing a pack about, but I thought her week had been rough when it came to the Academy. She wouldn’t go into detail, but she’d mentioned something about the other omegas, and I wondered if they were pushing her out.

I’d also prodded her to tell me what people were saying about me. I’d been so careful, even just hurrying down the hall to Roxy’s place, since I didn’t want to see anyone, but my time was running out. I needed to know what I might be facing. She hadn’t wanted to give me the details, but I’d convinced her to give me the gist of it.

Everyone was, apparently, going with the Lincoln pack narrative, since I haven’t been spotted. I’d tried not to imagine what people thought of that.

That I was the crazy stalker that was obsessed with them. That I’d wanted to be with them like that... I’d been seen coming into their party—even going into that room with Eric…

"You’re in tonight, right?" Ransom asked Dusk, dragging me from my spiral. Dusk was standing from the couch where he’d been studying.

"Actually, I’m going to turn in." There was something odd about the smile on his face.

He’d been in and out of the bond more today, but now he was gone. I frowned, his figure departing down the hallway. I tried to refocus on what Ransom was saying. Umbra had caught my eye, though, and I realised he was a little worried about the bond.

Umbra nudged me. "You want to go?" he asked. I looked back to him and Ransom, who had settled happily under a blanket—which was definitely one I’d scent marked on my rampage. He nodded in agreement, eyes darting after Dusk too.

"We can show you another night if you want,” Ransom said, clearly noticing something was up.

I considered that, staring down the hallway after Dusk. "Maybe…" I chewed on my lip, then got to my feet. There was something off about Dusk tonight. "You sure?” I glanced back at them.

They both nodded.

“Alright.” I followed Dusk down the hallway. I was their omega. It was my job now to be paying attention to things like this.

I stood before his door for a long time, trying to figure out what I was going to say. I’d never actually… visited him like this. Like… like I wanted to spend time with him or see him.

Would he think it was odd? Did our relationship have room for that?

I took a breath and knocked, realising I’d been there for a while. I heard movement from within, and then the door opened. There was a little spark of confusion in his eyes as he peered down at me.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, glancing back down the hall to where Umbra and Ransom were already shouting over the game.

"Everything’s fine. I just thought I could see what you were doing?"

"They were going to show you how to play," he said, frowning.

Hmm. Maybe I’d read it wrong. “I mean—if you’d rather be alone?—"

"Never,” he said, catching me off guard. “Would I rather be alone than with you."

"Oh." A whole different kind of buzz unsettled my stomach at that. "Okay."

There was a curve at the corner of his lips as his gaze dropped to where I tugged at my hair anxiously, then he stepped back in invitation. The first thing I noticed when I stepped in was the folder on the bed—the one with all of our data.

It was open, with pages scattered around.

His mission. Our mission.

I sat on the bed, watching as he took the bed beside me, eyes darting to the papers with a hint of yearning.

"You looked after them for a really long time," I said.

He raised an eyebrow, analysing me. "I did."
