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Why hadn’t I noticed?

Their scents were all over her. How long had she been with them?

“Yeh?” Decebal’s voice cut me off from my thoughts.

“Decebal.” My voice was rough. “We need help. Shatter, she…” I trailed off, searching for words.

“She’s feral, Dusk,” Ransom snarled. “Fully fucking gone, alright. She vanished from the bond with me.”

“Is that Ransom?” Decebal sounded stunned.

I paused for a moment, finding Ransom’s eyes, the little flutter of hope in my chest lighting again before reality came slamming down. “She… woke him.”

“And now she’s fucking gone!”Ransom’s voice was low.“What happened?”

“I… I fucked up. Decebal. I need you on this. We’re going to the cabin. Her mates, they…”

The world tilted violently at the thought, dread had me in a stranglehold.

This was my fault.

Ipushed her.

I’d sent her running.

Umbra’s hand was on my arm, and Decebal’s voice sounded in my ear. I blinked, realising I’d lost a few moments.

Not now.

I didn’t have time for stupid fucking aura shit and disassociation while Shatter was hurt. This stupid fucking sickness could wait.

“I swear, Decebal, I won’t watch this happen to her.” Not again. Not when I’d just got Ransom back. “What do we do?”

“I can meet you there.” Decebal was saying. “Check her over?—”

He cut off as I heard another voice in the background.

“Alright, give me a few hours. We’ll come up with a plan. Do you know what happened?”

“Her mates,” I said. “They… they hurt her…” Again, I was almost ripped from reality as I tried to piece it together. A video around campus? And what was written across her face—Stalker…? They thought… Bitter relief flooded my system for a moment. If they thought that, they hadn’t figured out she was their scent match. “I don’t know how. Like… like it was a game.”

“Yeh. I know the kind of things they think are games.” There was a pause. “They’re her mates, Dusk. If they hurt her, rejected her—do you know what that can do to an omega? And she’s unstable already. Sounds like she’s regressing to how she was back when she was at that Estate—when she was off the meds.”

“I’m not giving her anything,” I hissed.

“Wouldn’t suggest it. Until I get there just… just do your best—” He cut off again and I heard another voice distantly. “Ah. Shit. I can’t tonight, not anymore, I got work?—”

“Decebal!” I growled.


“Rain check, mate.”His voice became fainter as he spoke to someone else in the room. “It’s important.” There was a pause. “You’ll be fine. Gavin’s really isn’t my scene anyway—and Eliott was meeting us there, right?”

His voice got louder again as he returned to the call. “Alright. I’m on my way. You remember the protocol with Ransom. Same shit. Make sure she’s safe. If there’s anything that seems to trigger her further, don’t push her. Anything you can do to ground her, do it, remove anything that makes it worse. I’ll meet you at the cabin, alright?”


The massive Lexus SUV we’d arrived at wasn’t one I’d seen before. I used to be into cars, but the model was unrecognisable.
