Page 40 of The Forever Gift

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Molly spins around to look at me with huge, pleading eyes.

‘What can I say?’ I shrug.

‘I eated up all my dinner.’ Molly points to her empty plate.

‘Okay, Molly.’ I smile. ‘But, just one, yeah?’

‘There’s some there for us too,’ Heather says, ‘if you fancy some dessert.’

‘Nice one,’ Gavin says, his eyes as wide as Molly’s at the mere mention of something sugary and chocolatey.

Gavin stands up and lifts the plate of brownies out of the fridge for Molly to choose one. He takes one too and leaves the tray down on the countertop next to the cooker.

‘C’mon, Molly,’ he says, taking a bite of his. ‘Let’s watch a little telly together before bedtime.’

‘Teen Titans Go!?’ Molly says, biting her brownie.

‘Definitely.’ Gavin bends and scoops Molly into his arms and she squeals excitedly. ‘Let’s leave Mammy and Heather on their own for a little while.’

‘Grown-up talk,’ Molly says as they walk out of the kitchen.

Gavin glances over his shoulder and nods at Heather and I see her smile back.What the hell?

‘More?’ Heather asks, reaching for the wine bottle.

‘No,’ I say. ‘Thank you.’

Heather pulls her hand away from the bottle and doesn’t top up her glass either. I crane my neck towards the utility room door and the thump, thump, clatter that’s coming from the washing machine. I’ve no doubt Molly’s goggles went in the machine and are now being spun around furiously. I’ll probably need to buy her a new pair.Great!

Heather clears her throat and pushes some food around her plate with her fork. I’m getting ready to stand up and excuse myself when her eyes seek out mine. I notice the dark half-moons under her eyes and her usually dewy skin is pale, except for her flushed cheeks.

‘Thank you,’ she says, and there’s an unmissable quiver in her voice.

I eye up the bottle of wine and wish I’d let Heather pour me another glass.

‘I know this can’t be easy for you,’ Heather says.

I stiffen, unsure where this conversation is going. I grab the wine and pour the remainder of the bottle into my glass.

‘It’s not easy for any of us,’ I say, before taking a mouthful.

‘I know. But I feel like I’ve come in here, taken over your home…’

‘You haven’t taken over my home,’ I say, and I realise that’s more of a warning than a polite reassurance.

Heather nods and I can tell she realises that too.

‘It’s just this baking,’ she says. ‘I know it’s your kitchen and I would normally never?—’

‘Heather,’ I cut across her, suspecting she’s about to cry and knowing I’m not far from the same. ‘It’s just an oven and some shelf space. The main thing is Kayla. And if this helps, then that’s great.’

‘Thank you,’ Heather mouths, and there’s no sound, but the tears she had been doing so well to hold back trickle down her cheeks.



I’m exhausted when I finally flop into bed. Molly was hard work tonight. She was overtired after swimming, but she wouldn’t settle down and close her eyes. I read two stories. Gavin read another and finally we both had to get cross and threaten her with no screen time tomorrow if she didn’t stop getting in and out of bed and running around on the landing.
