Page 15 of Veiled Vengeance

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“What are you doing?” she asked again with her fist on her hip.

“Your stomach was rumbling earlier. You’re hungry. I thought I’d make you something real quick.”

She said nothing in return, offering no thanks. In fact, if anything, she seemed annoyed by the inconvenience.

“Okay, then,” Luna replied.

Once the spaghetti was ready, Adrian left a plate for her, then vanished without so much as a goodbye.

He figured she preferred it that way but was confident that she would come around soon enough.



Without so much as a goodbye, he left the cabin, leaving her a plate of spaghetti.

“Bye, then,” she said quietly.

She hated to admit that she kind of missed him, then cursed the part of her biology that had chosen him to begin with.

But he sure had taken long enough to leave. For something that was supposed to be barely an inconvenience, he had trouble letting her go.

Every time she thought she was free, Luna was taken somewhere else, or made to wait for another chore or errand.

It’s not like he chose this either, she thought.

In fairness, she had just come into his life from out of nowhere. Maybe he felt as inconvenienced as she did, even if he had an easy time hiding it.

However, that’s no excuse, she thought.I’m not his plaything.

Luna looked down at the plate of food in front of her, then up at the empty cabin. It was definitely one of the nicest places she’d ever stayed. Her mind clicked for a second as she thought over the implications of him leaving her alone.

From the moment he had met her, he insisted on putting guards on her, watching her every move. Why would he now be leaving her alone, unwatched, knowing what she might be capable of?

It was too good to be true.

Looking around the living room, she checked behind the television, under and inside the recliners, under and inside the loveseat, and even all around the few large decorative potted plants. She looked high and low, searching for any evidence that he had bugged the room.

She looked all around the dining room table, then pulled the sheets off the bed and looked inside the nightstand. There had to be something she was overlooking.

He’s a fellow shifter, she thought.He doesn’t need to bug you if he wants to spy on you. All he has to do is smell the air.

When she had at last ripped every inch of the cabin apart, she was satisfied there were no spying devices to speak of.

Her spaghetti was cold, so she put it in the newfangled microwave that most likely made the perfect popcorn.

While she stared at her plate go around and around, she wondered how her life had brought her to this point. The sauce on the spaghetti popped. Her stomach growled. She hated to admit it, but as easy as it was to make, it smelled delicious.

But he was not going to worm his way into her heart with a plate of spaghetti if that was his intention. This cabin and leading her around the town was not going to win her over.

The microwave beeped, and she took the plate out of the microwave, nearly burning her hands as she touched the porcelain.

“Ow! Too hot.”

Clearly, she had underestimated this up-to-date microwave, having cooked her spaghetti entirely too long. Now, it was probably all dried out.

Waiting a little longer, she pulled it out, placing it on the kitchen counter to eat it. The counter was immaculate, without a single stain on its bright white veneer.
