Page 62 of Shattered Dreams

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“Hello?”I shout into the darkness.

I look around, trying to make out anything that would tell me where I am. It’s so dark that I can’t even see my hand in front of my face.

“Is anyone there?” I yell, unsure if I want an answer.

I put my hands out in front of me and take small steps. The only sounds I hear are the shuffling of my feet and the blood pounding in my ears.

“Where the fuck am I?” I mutter to myself as I shuffle along slowly.

Eventually, my hand comes in contact with rough fabric. I curl my fist around it and pull. Moonlight streams in from a hidden window, and I have to blink rapidly to get my eyes to adjust to the sudden light.

I look around and find I’m in my old bedroom at my parent’s house. Everything is the same as it was the day I moved out.

“Mom?” I yell, not expecting a sudden answer, but trying anyway.

Opening my bedroom door, I peek out into the hallway and listen. The house is silent, and the hallway is empty.

The stairs creak and groan as I make my way down to check for any signs of my family. My hand runs over the old banister. I freeze.

“What the fuck is that?” I gasp, lifting my hand that just touched something slick. My face pales when I see what it is. Blood. There’s blood on the banister.

My breathing increases rapidly, and I try not to move.

“What am I doing? I haven’t been quiet, and no one has murdered me yet.”

I take a deep breath and run down the remaining few stairs and toward the front door. Something catches on my foot, causing me to trip and land on my side.

“Shit. That hurt,” I groan and roll onto my back. I sit up to see what tripped me. A scream leaves my throat before I fully process what I’m looking at. Milky white eyes and gray molted skin are the first things I pick up on.

“Ezra,” I say on a sob. My hands shake over him, but I can’t bring myself to make contact.

I look up, trying to find someone to help him, even though he’s clearly been dead for a while. The living room is dark, but I see the outline of someone laying on the couch. I get my wobbly legs underneath me and carefully step over my best friend’s body.

“Dad? Cal?” I ask between sniffs. Whoever is on the couch doesn’t answer.

I quickly find the light switch on the wall and flip it on. What strength was left in my body gives out when I see who is in front of me. I drop to my knees.

“No no no no…”

A sound leaves my body that’s as primal as it is broken.

“Kai no,” I cry, scrambling on my hands and knees to get to the man I love.

His skin is pale, and his body is covered in blood.

“Please, Kai. Open your eyes,” I beg, shaking his shoulders. He’s cold. His skin is waxy and feels like ice. As I’m shaking him, I notice the large gash across his throat.

“No!” I scream to him, to the universe, to whoever will listen and bring him back to me.

Then I hear it over my pleas, the low chuckle. The one that still haunts me. I turn my head quickly to see him sitting in my dad’s chair.

“This is your fault, Bellamy.”

“Brad. You did this? You took him from me?” I scream at him as I tremble. He’s holding a bloody kitchen knife and smiling.

“You’re mine. No one else can touch you,” he laughs again.

And all I can do is scream.

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