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I nod as I unlock the enclosure so Hannah can get closer to Willow.“Wildlife needs more than a replacement for their lost habitat.It’s about preserving the intricate balance between local flora and fauna, maintaining biodiversity, and considering the entire ecological web.”

“Wow.If you put it that way, it makes a lot of sense.I guess Mister Dickinson never told me all the facts.I truly believed what they did wasn’t that bad as the company spends a lot of money on compensation funds for loss of nature.I mean, they always brag about it in meetings with shareholders.”

I scoff.“Sure they do.Their image is all these CEOs care about.”

I let her pet the fawn for a bit before locking the enclosure again and taking Hannah to our Wall of Fame.

“See these pictures?These are all the animals we were able to help over the years.”

As Hannah’s gaze slides over the pictures pinned to the wall, her demeanor softens.It’s clear that she’s never given wildlife preservation a lot of thought, but I can’t exactly blame her.Most people don’t think about it at all.

“They look so cute,” she says.

“With the money from the auction, we’ll be able to help even more animals.Why don’t we go on that hike I promised, and you can see how amazing this region is for yourself?”

She grins.“I’d rather check out the awesomeness of the local shops.”

“Maybe after, but not now,” I say, sounding gruffer than I want.

“Okay, sure.It was just a suggestion.”

I stop by my office to grab the bag of supplies I packed as a surprise and head outside.The trailhead is right across the street.That’s the beauty of living here.You don’t have to go far to go hiking.All this nature is within walking distance.

“So, Hannah,” I say as we make our way up the mountain, “we seem to know a lot about each other’s jobs already, but what about your personal life?Do you have a boyfriend?”

She laughs.“Is that a cheap ploy to know if I’m single?Of course I don’t have a boyfriend, Grizz.How do you think he would feel knowing I auctioned myself off to the highest bidder last night?”

“You’re right.That was a stupid question.I’m single too, by the way.”

“I figured as much.I don’t understand why, though.”

“What do you mean?”

She shrugs and gives me a sideways glance.“You’re a hot guy, Grizz.Hot guys don’t stay single for long.”

I stare in front of me, focusing on the forest trail.“I’m not much of a people person.I prefer being alone.”

“Why?”She stops walking, forcing me to face her.“Did someone hurt you in the past?Is that why you’re so grumpy and would rather spend your time with animals instead of people?”

I take a deep breath as a rush of memories I usually shove to the back of my mind floods back in full force.“I used to rent a cabin in a neighboring town.It was my sanctuary until a company bought the land for a resort project.They forced me out of my home and destroyed the place I loved.That’s when I decided to dedicate my life to preserving places like these.”

“You lost your home?To make room for a resort?I had no idea, Grizz,” Hannah says, her voice softening.“It sounds horrible to have to leave your home like that.”

I let out a bitter laugh.“It was, but what’s worse is that the realtor who sold the land was a friend of mine.He was planning on selling it to a developer who was going to build new family homes there, but then a company came along that outbid everyone else.They paid one million dollars over the asking price so they could build their resort.My friend agreed, got a royal commission, and left me without a home.So, yeah, I don’t like people.They fuck you over when they get the chance.”

“Not everyone is like that, Grizz.I’mnot like that,” Hannah says.

She reaches for my hand and squeezes it, sending goosebumps all over my body.Her hand in mine feels so good, so right, that I almost forget why we’re on this hike.

“Let’s continue our hike, okay?I’ve got a surprise planned for you,” I say.

Chapter Five


After a hike up the mountain that tests my stamina to its limit, we arrive at a gorgeous clearing.A gentle breeze sweeps around us and carries the heavenly scent of pine.Trees surround us on three sides, but there’s a magnificent view of the entire valley in front of us.My jaw drops to the ground as I take a few steps closer.

The valley spreads out beneath us like a quilt of green shades dotted with beautifully colored wildflowers.In the distance, the other mountains of Bearclaw Ridge stand tall, their peaks reaching the clear sky.
