Page 16 of Tag

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I’m done being the fall guy.



“Goddamnit!”I kick the wheel of my car.

I only just had new tires put on and now the stupid thing just damn well stopped, almost causing an accident. It’s smoking, so I’m assuming it’s overheating.

I feel like tearing my hair out.

Recently, things have only gone from bad to worse where my luck is concerned. I shouldn’t be surprised, since usually when one thing in my life starts to go right, the next thing you know, I’m sliding down a mountain, about to hurtle off a cliff.

I guess I’m one of those people who just happens to have bad luck.

The first person I call is Rock, my boss, as we have tow trucks at the office where I work, as well as heavy diesel trucks and haulage. Of course, being late at night, he doesn’t answer.

Probably out chasing pussy, since he’s now part of the MC. He’s been exempt from prospecting, so he can lay claim on any available woman in the club. All the chicks want him because he’s hot as fuck. The funny thing is, I don’t want him in that way. He’s my boss, for one, and that would be more than a littleawkward. Plus, he has more baggage than I do, and I certainly don’t need to be dealing with that. Sad but true.

I really don’t want to call a 24/7 tow truck, when I can keep trying Rock. He’ll answer eventually. We also need to offer that service, but the latest we run is eight.

I try to call Jas, but the call rings out. Then I try Manny; his phone goes straight to message.

Then Summer. Deanna.Goddamnit.Does nobody answer their fucking phones anymore?

While I have insurance, I don’t have roadside assistance. And that means I need to rely on friends. Friends who never seem to pick up.

My mom and stepdad can’t help since they live a few hours away.

I know there is one person who will answer, guaranteed. But he’ll only lecture me, then we’ll end up in an argument and things will be awkward at our next family gathering.

Yes. I still have to put up with Tag at family events because he still shows up. My stepbrother.

Infuriatingly, my mom adores him. It’s like he can do no wrong. His dad, on the other hand, is another story. I’ve always liked Terrance, as he’s good for my mom, but he’s always been harsh on Tag. Ever since he got a football scholarship and followed in his old man’s footsteps, he’s always sought his approval. Something tells me that he only had it when he was playing, and even then, his pops was a big part of every decision he made. And he never did seem quite happy with any of Tag’s decisions. Their relationship is strained now. Ultimately, I think it was to do with Tag being forced into early retirement.

Nobody at the club talks about it. It’s kind of a no-go area.

I’ve never seen a player like Tag. He ruled the Steelers.

He’s large, for one. Bigger than a bear. His frame would dwarf a normal-sized person.

Hawk and Harlem are two of the biggest dudes in the club, and Tag is still wider set than they are. I wouldn’t be surprised if he could bench press his own body weight, which would be over 250 lbs. of raw muscle.

He’s only gotten bigger over the years since he did bodybuilding and boxing for a while. Then he started the mechanic shop with Hawk and now spends his time tinkering with engines. Just my luck, I guess.

Calling him is the last fucking thing I want to do, but I know he’ll answer.

Dammit. This is the problem with only having a small circle of friends. My other, non-MC best friend, Payden, isn’t back in town until tomorrow, so she’s no use. I try Jas one more time. She must be busy. Out of all of my friends, she’s the most reliable.

I’m kinda in a jam here.

With a heavy sigh, I scroll through my phone.

I hover my thumb over his name and then realize it’s ridiculous, feeling inferior to calling for help, and I hit dial.

It rings. And rings. And rings.

Then suddenly, it clicks off, and I hear in a deep monotone, “Luna?”

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