Page 65 of Tag

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I’m not going to comply or do what he says because he’s the club's Sergeant at Arms and most people fear him. I’m not like most people. I’m also not scared of him. Even if he is twice my size, Tag would never hurt me. But he’s got a nerve if he thinks this shit is gonna fly.

I’m not playing these games with him.

Ever since I got back, he’s been not-so subtly poking his nose in my business.

Thinking that it’s okay to be telling everyone that I belong to him... Even if he didn’t say that directly, it’s implied. Well, fuck him. I handed myself to him on a platter and he refused it.

He threw me away like I meant nothing to him. He said it was for my own good, but he just wanted an out.

Like most men.

Like all men.

That’s all I’ve ever been to any of them.

Somebody to use. Somebody to fuck and then discard when they’re done. Pussy and a warm bed to come home to.

I couldn’t even keep my ex away from my best friend! Well, fuck that.

Maybe I’m just not cut out for relationships? Maybe that’s it.

Would make a lot of sense since I don’t give a flying fuck anymore about pleasing a man.

Before that’s all I wanted.

To be loved. To be accepted. To be someone’s first choice. But I’ve never had that.

Every man I’ve ever been with, and you can count them on one hand, has been a fucking mistake.

They all wanted something from me. They never even gave us a chance.

Even my own father is dick of the year.

I’m done with complying and bending to any man’s rules. Best of all, Tag’s.

I can have a life outside the MC. I can see whoever I want. I can date whoever I want, not that I want to do that because I’m having some time out from all that shit.

I hope Tag’s happy because he contributed to this.

I’m responsible for my own actions and I own that. I didn’t do everything right, but I’d never cheat on someone like Brian did to me. Or threaten me with blackmail like Gary. And Tag?

Tag took a piece of my heart and stomped all over it, mercilessly. I will never be free of him because of our parents. I’ll never fully escape him.

And for the first time in a few months, I question if I did the right thing moving back here.



The club is raging,and so is my temper.

I’ve stayed away. All fuckin’ week. Hell, for two long fuckin’ years she had me on a goddamn short leash worrying about her. Now she thinks she can just come back into town as if nothing happened and flaunt shit in my face. Not today. Not any day.

My obsession with my stepsister hasn’t wavered over the years. In fact, seeing her again every fuckin’ other day only reminds me of every single part of her that I’ll never have.

We’ve both changed from a decade ago. Hell, I don’t even recognize the jock I used to be. Funny how things change. Not always for the better, but most of that was out of my hands.

I loved football. I loved being the quarterback. A Steeler. I had it all.
