Page 30 of Fai's Dark Mate

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He didn’t expect her thighs to straddle his leg and flip him over as her hand gripped his jaw as she leaned in closeto his face. His hand, in surprise, gripped her bottom as the air left him. He tried his best to maintain his composure, but when she kissed him, his heart stumbled, and his head spun.

The air between them became charged with something he couldn’t describe a magnetism so strong that his hands pulled her in against him. She gasped. Her soft skin was enticing, and he felt himself drowning in her familiar scent.

She pulled away, noses brushing and breaths mixing between them, the hot feeling as the blood rushed over his body. Under his palms, her body trembled, and she was supple across every inch of her skin.

“Are you thinking of Sir Arthur now?” she asked.

Now it was his turn to be annoyed. “Please don’t mention him.”

She surrendered to his large hands that slid to the back of her head, loosening the clip to send her hair tumbling down around her toned shoulders. He found it better that way, and his palm found her neck to pull her close. She gasped but didn’t pull away, melting against him instead with a soft moan in his mouth. Her small hands rested against his biceps with a tremble in her fingers as she kissed him back with as much fervor as he had.

“You really haven’t had lovers, have you?” he muttered against her lips.

“Not in a while.”

He kissed her more, trying to formulate words in the puddle his mind had become. “I’m starting to think that might be a big reason for sending the proposal.”

She bit his lip, and he laughed completely unfazed. “Don’t flatter yourself, your majesty.”

He wasn’t laughing when he felt her body sliding lower against him. As strong as his resolve was, he had a weakness any man did, and he couldn’t resist the Princess. His breath staggered as he grabbed her waist.

“You’re bold, Princess,” he said hoarsely. “I suppose you’ll survive.”

She followed with a rough kiss, silencing him effectively, and there was nothing he could do about it as his body surrendered to her completely, and her to his.

Chapter 14

When Aria awoke, she was flooded with memories of the night outside in the courtyard. Heat washed over her body as she remembered his touch.

She remembered the way he stared at her with awe, noticing every movement of her body and taking note of every gasp and mewl that left her mouth. He was curious about her body entirely.

Covering her face with her pillow, she screamed into it. Someone like Travus had no business coming off as romantic as he did last night. She’d never had someone be so observant of her body.

All she remembered was that she no longer felt cold, and her consciousness was slipping away, and she was being carried away by him and being tucked into bed. She felt light as a feather in his embrace.

There was a faint memory of his hand caressing her cheek and saying something she couldn’t quite grasp, but it was slipping from her mind as she woke up.

The morning sun outside filtered through the condensation on her window, scattering the light into rainbows around her room. She looked around carefully, noting that things were different. Very different. The dark drapes and furniture had been changed to lighter colors, mostly powder blue and coral, giving the place an airier feel.

Quickly eyeing the wardrobe, she was relieved to find it absolutely untouched.

Why is he acting so strange all of a sudden?She wondered with a twinge of nervousness. Looking at her body, she found herself wrapped in warm robes, but nothing more. The bareness under a single layer of fabric was starting to feel uncomfortable. Before she could climb out of bed, the bedchamber’s door swung open and in came Travus.

He looked rather pleased, smirking with his head held high and squared shoulders. He walked as if he was about to deliver a very important message.

“You’re awake,” he announced, “and that too after two whole days. You were out far longer than I was when we–”

“Spare me, Travus,” she groaned as her head fell into her hands. The annoyance creeping up her neck was more than what she could bear so early. “Were you literally counting the hours?”

When she peeked up at him, his brooding eyes softened, and she finally realized what she was doing that was affecting him. She was using his birth name without a care.

“Goodgrief! Do you perhaps have a scoreboard somewhere? When did this civil agreement turn into a competition?”

“It wasalwaysa competition, Princess,” he reminded her. “We both have something to lose. Oh, that reminds me…”

He neared her bed and flipped the sheets off of her. She was confused as he grabbed her ankle and dragged her to the edge of the bed. Her body lifted off the bed as he picked her up, face to face, and she could feel her heart pumping ferociously. Warmth flooded her.

“W-what are you doing?” she demanded, finding herself succumbing to his gentle yet firm grip.
