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"Good. Then I hope you hear me when I say he's showing you in every way he can that he cares. He cares, Sophie. Yes, he fucked up, but he cares."

I look over at Charlotte, making sure her eyes are still closed before saying, "You know why I can't just forgive him and move on. He used Char's situation to manipulate me. Knowing I would have no choice but to accept his offer. How about he could have just fucking asked me out in the elevator. Trust me, I would have said yes."

"No, you wouldn't have," she interrupts me. "You would have gotten his number and never called or given him your number and never picked up. You would have told him you didn't have time to date right now because of everything else you have going on."

"So, you're saying he was right?"

"Hell no. He went about it in a really shitty way. But look at where you are now, Sophie. Yes, it started with a lie, but you love him. And whether you want to admit it or not, he loves you too. The proof is right in front of us. No man does this just because he wants to have sex with you."

"He gave me $300,000 just to have sex with me. I don't think this dinner cost nearly as much."

"You know what I'm trying to say. He came to you when you needed him most. That has to count for something. That has to give him just a little bit of grace here."

"How can I forgive him, Lexa? How can I believe anything he says now?"

"His actions. Mouths can lie, but actions can't. And his actions," she spreads her arms wide over the cart full of food before continuing, "say he wants you back. I mean, this is practically a damn buffet."

I laugh. "He even got each of the chocolate cakes."

"Do I smell food?" Charlotte hoarsely asks behind us.

"Yup. Plenty of broth for you."

Her face screws up, and Lexa picks up the bowl off of the tray.

"Just... think about it," she says before passing me to bring Charlotte the broth.

"Who is this from?" Charlotte inquires after the first spoonful.

"Mr. Lawson," Lexa answers. "Looking after his beloved and her sister and best friend."

I roll my eyes. "It's just food."

Charlotte sighs. "Sophie, come on. You know I'm as unforgiving as you, and still want to break every bone in his body for hurting you, but even I can see he's sorry. I'm not saying you have toforgive and forget, but at least try to see if you can move past this. If you and him are worth a second chance."

"I don't know," I murmur.

But my heart whispers that I do. But I listened to my heart before and look at where it's gotten me.

"Well shit, if he gets breakfast delivered, I will call Law myself and tell him he's forgiven."

We all laugh, and I hurry to take the opportunity to take a bite, hoping it will end the conversation.

But come morning, when a breakfast spread just as large as dinner's gets delivered, Law is the topic of conversation again. Or it is until Lexa tries to wrestle the phone out of my hand so she can text him herself.

"You animal!" I shout, finally snatching the phone out of her grip.

She laughs. "Does Law have to come in here with I love you written in his blood with his still beating heart in his hand for you to text him?"

I shrug. "It would be a good start."

"Oh God." Charlotte laughs. "Sophie, at least say thank you."

I shake my head. "There are no thank yous in a war."

"Oh, it's a war, huh?" Lexa asks. "Well, I'd say Law is waving his white flag high in the air. So, what are you going to do with his surrender?"

I know it's a joke, just another attempt to get me to see I'm being stubborn, but her words hit me square in the chest. Is he surrendering? Is that what all this is? Him fucking me in my house was not surrendering. It was trying to make me surrender to him. It was him justifying his lies, trying to make me see thatwhat he's done was okay. But him coming to the waiting room, dinner and breakfast, is this him admitting he was wrong? Is this his apology?

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