Page 42 of Siriarna

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I shoot her a sympathetic smile, “I think I’m ready to find out. Will you help me?

“Of course! I think we should start with your lineage. It might give us a starting point as to why you are having these ‘mind surges’,” she suggests.

“It’s a good thought, but only Goddess Eileithyia holds such information. And she is forbidden to disclose it to anyone, including the Gods, by order of the Fates.”

“True, but she must keep that information somewhere. And Siriarna, we’re going to find it.”

The look of determination on her face fills me with hope. She has, without a doubt, been the best thing about living in The Between—reconnecting with her has been an unexpected godsend. While I am no longer the same trusting person of the past, I credit Miriam’s friendship in helping me heal. However, I still cling to the hope that I will one day have my revenge on whoever was responsible for leaving me damaged. The possibility of my magic returning is a surprise and if triumphant, will help me achieve the justice I crave. “I guess I’ll be heading to the archives tomorrow, then. Will you cover me at the Pharmakeia?”

“Like you have to ask,” her mouth turns upwards into a widespread grin. “This is the most exciting thing I’ve been involved in since I arrived in this realm—a birthright quest. I’m thrilled for you Siriarna.”

I have never wanted to know which god was my ‘real’ parent. My guide parents are amazing and that has always been enough. I love going to the Home Realm at the end of each training year and spending my break reconnecting with them. I know the other students on Evolirium used to talk and gossip about whichgod they belonged to, but that discussion never interested me. Even when Linus and Stefanie annoyed me, I still never once thought about my true heritage.

The only time I ever gave thought to godly lineage, was when I heard rumours Zeus was Roman’s father. I don’t know how those rumours started, but as the weeks passed by, Roman seemed to be transcending into more than a semi god. Thus, proving some validity to the claims. Deep down, this bothered me. If it were found to be true and he was the son of Zeus and another god or minor deity, Roman could choose to leave Evolirium and inhibit Mount Olympus, as an heir entitled god.

Back then, when I started to worry about this possibility, I didn’t know I was the one set to leave Evolirium for good—decided by another, in a horribly vengeful act.


I laid awake all night consumed with the hope that my powers might be returning. I concentrated all my efforts on trying to produce a flicker in the apartment lights to no avail. I tried blinking, opening my eyes wide, squinting. Everything. It didn’t work. Not even a hint of magic surfaced. Surrendering, I stared blankly at the ceiling, willing myself to sleep—a pointless effort.

Even though tired, I’m running on pure adrenalin this morning. I am desperate to get to the archives and start the search into my elusive heritage. Replacing my normal realm grey attire, I dress in my black mission uniform to harness the right mindset. Now thankful I threw it in with the limited belongs I packed when I relocated to The Between. Subconsciously I must have known I would need it. A personal mission, I smile at the irony.

The archive building is just around the corner from my apartment, and I slip in unseen. The old building is one of the original structures of mid-realm and not popular with residents.I bypass the electronic archives and navigate my way through the labyrinth of stacks. What I’m looking for is original scrolls or manuscripts that may house the location of Eileithyia.

Breathing in the dusty air triggers a sneeze to escape my nose and mouth.

“Gods’ bless you.”

I turn to find a peppy employee lurking behind me. “Thank you.”

“Can I help you find something?”

I think twice about whether I should ask this young boy for his help in finding what I need. “I’m trying to find the location of a god.” I say deciding it couldn’t hurt.

“Cool. Which one?”


“You’d need to start over here, in offspring of Olympian Gods.” He rambles on about the gods and their various power, and how awesome he thinks they are, for the longest time. It’s obvious he doesn’t get many visitors in the archives. “So, I guess I’ll leave you to it,” he says finally, spent of breath.

I give him a grateful smile and, finally, start my search.

Just before nightfall, I find what I’m looking for. An old manuscript depicting only a symbol of a woman wielding a torch, embossed on the outside. I know this is the mark representing Eileithyia. With shaking hands, I open the manuscript. The pages are filled with symbols only. And I know how to decipher them! Stefanie was right—for the first time in my life, I am truly grateful for my photographic memory.

It takes longer than I had imagined, but I eventually come across the answers I seek. “Yes.” I speak out loud to the empty aisle.

The employee, who was hovering in nearby stacks, wanders over to my position when he hears my elated utterance. “Find what you needed?” he asks intrigued.

“Yes, I absolutely did.” I say grinning. Although, my smile instantly turns upside down.

“You don’t look too happy,” he says shrewdly.

Now I have an idea of Eileithyia’s whereabouts, I’ve no idea how to summon a chariot to get from The Between to the Surface Realm. “I don’t suppose you know how I might contact a chariot,” I say flippantly.

“Actually, I do.”

In all honesty, this is not the answer I had expected. “Do you think you might be able to help me?”

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