Page 152 of Love Contract

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She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls her body tight against mine, squeezing inside like a hand gripped around my cock. I groan and kiss her deeper, hands slipping under her ass to lift her up.

We fuck standing up, pants puddled around my ankles. Theo clings to my body, wrapped around me with her calves tucked behind my thighs. I thrust into her in short, sharp bursts of pleasure and sweetness. Her breath is raspberry scented, her skin is soft and creamy everywhere we touch.

Theo starts to come, sliding up and down against me, making friction in her favorite place. As often happens, her climax triggers mine. I don’t know if it’s the feeling of her squeezing around me, or the high, soft sounds she makes, or the scent that rises from her skin…

All I know is that when Theo comes, I helplessly follow, chasing after her into the oblivion of orgasm like I do everywhere else. Wherever she goes, that’s where I want to be. And I never want to be without her.

We cleanup the sugar-dusted kitchen together, and when we get home, I run Theo a bath.

“You were working all day, too!” she protests.

“Not as hard as you.”

It’s true—I’ve never seen anyone whirl around faster than Theo as she manned the grill, assembled sandwiches, and blended up shakes.

Besides, I need her distracted so I can clean up the rest of the house. Reese made an unholy mess, and I don’t want Theo to see it or she’ll feel like she has to help.

I follow the trail of shoes, shirts, and empty plates back to his room, where I dump all the shit on his bed. I’ll tidy up for Theo, but I’m not going to be Reese’s maid. Not when he still owes me fifty bucks.

As I’m tidying up the kitchen, I find the contract I signed with Theo stuffed in a drawer.

It feels like a document from another time. Another person, really.

I look at what I wrote down, what I thought was important, and I have to laugh at myself, at what a fool I was.

All my grand plans were nonsense. What I thought was important didn’t matter at all.

There’s one thing and one thing only I should have put in that contract:

Let me love you.

Loveisthe dream, it is the goal, it’s what we’re here for. It’s what heals, what motivates, what satisfies…

We’ll do for others what we’d never do for ourselves, and that’s how it should be. Because we grow our souls when we join them.

A selfish person is a starving thing. It’s love that feeds us.
