Page 131 of The Secrets We Keep

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“Well, my offer still stands. We could be roomies.” I put down the hoops in my hand and held my hands out to my sides like I was a game show host. “All this could be yours.”

“I’m pretty sure I would wither and die in a town that small,” she said. “I feel smothered in Richmond.”

“No, you feel lonely. There’s a difference.”

My words must have cut a little too close to home because her expression stilled, and then she looked at me with sadness in her eyes. “I can’t believe you’re not gonna be down the street anymore.”

I pulled the phone off my dresser and took a seat on the corner of my bed. “I know.” I tried to smile, but couldn’t. “You’re going to have to drive a long-ass way now if you want to have a sleepover.”

“At least the view will be better.”

I gave a choked laugh, trying not to cry. “That’s so true. That apartment was the worst.” I’d already let it go, canceling my lease and bribing my brother and sister to move my shit into storage at the end of the month.

No turning back now.

“I’ll come visit,” she assured me. “You can’t marry this guy without my blessing.”

“Just because we got together quickly doesn’t mean we’re going to get married quickly.”Although I do look amazing in this dress,I thought as I caught a profile of myself in the mirror. “There is so much more we need to learn about each other before that.”

“But you do?” she asked. “Want to marry him?”

I swallowed down the ball of anxiety in my throat. “Yeah,” I answered, knowing all the risks. All the ways in which I could get hurt. “I really think I do.”

“Well then, let’s get you ready for this gala,” she suggested. “If you’re gonna be the future Mrs. Hot Cop, we gotta make you look good.”

I snorted, wiping away the unshed tears under my eyes. “Really wish I’d never told you that nickname.”

“I’m not. Now”—her eyes sparkled with excitement—“how do you want to do your hair?”

* * *

I nervously smoothed my hair, knowing it was useless. Every curl was perfect, and my makeup was flawless. Elena had made sure of it.

I was ready.

The doorbell rang.

I am so not ready.

I gave myself one last look in the mirror, and my stomach flipped.

Why was I so damn nervous?

I walked out of the bedroom and down the hall, thankful the strappy heels I wore weren’t terribly high. Tripping would not be sexy.

When I got to the door, I went to grab the handle, giving myself a second to breathe before opening it.

“Holy fucking shit.” The words tumbled out of Macon’s mouth the second he saw me.

But I was having a hard time processing them.

Because holy fucking shit was right.

Macon had two styles. Casual and work, and there wasn’t much of an in between. He was either in his uniform or he was in running shorts or jeans.

But now…

Now, he looked like he’d just stepped off a damn movie set. He was in all black. From his suit to the vest, all the way down to the tie, and it all fit him like a damn glove.
