Page 25 of The Fallen Alpha

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Being this close to Nikita, I could feel her growing anger and I wondered if she would fight all of them. She had yet to make a move to the she-wolf. So I wondered if she was of a higher rank than Nikita but she didn’t look like a warrior and she was too old to be the beta’s daughter. She could be the beta’s sister. I noticed the others didn’t seem too keen on being there.

“I didn’t make him pick me. If anyone did, that would be the Moon Goddess herself. And as far as scaling the ranks. I couldn’t give a damn about being Luna. Besides, I don’t need to be Luna to put you in your place.” Nikita’s voice held so much venom it made me shiver.

She was right. Nikita didn’t need a title to put anyone in their place. Hell, the Moon Goddess would’ve done herself a disservice if she hadn’t mated Nikita to someone with a rank. If needed, she didn’t need someone to protect her, but that wouldn’t stop me from doing my job. I would protect her with my life.

Are you not going to go to your mate?Aloysius’ thoughts came through and I made my way to her. He didn’t have to prompt me twice. The other she-wolves noticed me as I came down the hall and they lowered their eyes. Nikita spun around just as I got near her. The surprise in her green eyes made me grin. Nikita was gorgeous.

“If you would excuse us, ladies.” The other she-wolves scattered like mice as I held Nikita’s gaze. I could get lost in her eyes forever. What I wouldn’t give to pick her up and take her to my room.

Nikita crossed her arms and cocked her hip as she stared back at me. I waited until I couldn’t hear or smell the other females at all. After we were alone, I didn’t know what to actually say to her. I felt like a pup meeting my first crush. That had been a disaster in its own form.

“Take a walk with me?” I finally asked her. The sheepish smile on my lips was nothing like what I felt. Just her smell was making me want to hold her closer to me. I wanted my scent to cling to her so that the males that weren’t at the training field this morning would know she was mine.

“A walk? Really? You came over to me just to ask me to walk with you?” She cocked her eyebrow, this time with a roll of her eyes. “I’m not in the mood right now. I still need to shower and get ready for bed. I have patrol tonight.”

“Then I’ll come with you,” Nikita tilted her head to the side when it dawned on me that I didn’t finish my sentence. “I mean that I can come patrol with you.”

Dumbass,Aloysius groaned in my head as he covered his head with his paws.

“I’m good. I don’t need any help with patrol. Bye Alpha Fin.”

I caught her arm and spun her back to me. Pressing her against the wall. A soft moan exited her lips. I hated that she continued to use my title. “Why do you insist on calling me by my title?”

Nikita shivered against me, and her arousal assaulted my nostrils. I wanted to pick her up and take her back to my room to devour her more than ever. But the way she acted toward me had me thinking she didn’t really want to be my mate. “Tell me, feisty wolf. Why do you insist on calling me by my title?”

“Because that is a sign of respect, is it not? Now let me go. I need to get ready for my patrol.” She pushed at me but didn’t use as much of her strength as I knew she had. But the way her palms landed on my pecs made me wonder again if she didn’t want me to go.

“It’s not a respect thing when it’s your mate.” I growled as I ran my nose up her neck. She sighed as she leaned her head to the side, giving me more access to her neck. Damn, I wanted her right here and now.

“Fin, please…” The small sigh that rushed out from her lips took me to a whole other level. Nikita didn’t know what she did to me. Or maybe she did, but was using it to her advantage. The way she said my name and then begged hell I wanted to know what she would be like in bed.

“Yes, feisty wolf?” I was leaking so badly that I’m sure she could smell it and if I moved from my position, there would be a wet spot. I had never been like this before with a woman.

“I really need to get to my room to shower.” Nikita’s eyes locked with mine. They were flickering between her hunter greens and her wolf’s deep golden color. There wasn’t much for me to do other than let her go. That would be the right thing to do anyway.

She reacted to me like any normal fated female. The only thing that got me was the unsureness in her eyes. Did she not want to be with me? I watched as she jogged up the stairs. Her hair bouncing with each step and fuck if that ass of hers was calling to me. Nikita’s room was on the second floor with the deltas and other top warrior wolves. Tonight I was going to be there with her on her patrol. She just didn’t know it yet.

I stood on the steps of the pack house waiting for Nikita to exit the doors. She finally came out and stopped when she spotted me. Shaking her head, she walked past me, causing me to smile. I followed her to the edge of the woods before she rounded on me.

“What are you doing? I told you I don’t need you here!” Nikita’s hunter green eyes shone from the darkness of the woods.

“I can’t run? Aloysius has been wanting to stretch his legs ever since we got here.” I shrugged at her. The corner of my lip tugged upward. Nikita was unsure about what I really wanted. I came out of my shorts and I didn’t miss her green eyes traveling down. Which made my smile even bigger.

“Fine, but stay away from me.” She told me as she brought her eyes back up to my face. I could hear her heart racing in her chest. Yeah, she wanted me and she wanted what I had hanging.

“Okay, feisty wolf. But I bet you wouldn’t even be able to catch me.” I challenged her as I walked around her and did a backflip in the air as I shifted into my solid white wolf. I glanced over my now massive shoulder and tilted my head. Yes, I was goofing off and trying to impress her.

Nikita’s mouth hung open as Aloysius and I took off into the woods. The pounding of another set of paws caused my left ear to swivel. Turning my head, I spotted her. She was closing in on me as we ran the trail. I sped up, losing her around a corner.

Nikita’s wolf was a beautiful red with black and brown mixed in. But it was her face that got me. The white made it look like she had eyeliner on. Her eyes were the deep golden color I had seen them flickering between in the hall earlier. It was nothing I had ever seen on a wolf before but had heard of a pack that was full of them.

I slowed when a scent caught my attention. Nikita came up to my left side. Her hackles up, a growl low in her throat. She hadn’t been protective around me, but her wolf could be taking over. Aloysius pressed me to allow him to take over and shifted closer to her. Her tail wagged before the female came out of the bushes. I could tell that the she-wolf was egging Nikita on, so Aloysius nuzzled into her neck before running his tongue along her muzzle.

The she-wolf dropped her head and then trotted away, leaving us on the trail. Nikita snorted and then ran. I took off after her, keeping pace with her as we rounded the bend. The way we flowed with each other just proved that we were meant to be. Nikita turned on me and shifted. I shifted with her and she shoved me into the rocky face of the hill we were next to. Her naked body pressed against mine. “Listen, I don’t need you as a mate. I can take care of myself. Why don’t you just reject me?”

“I’d never reject you, and I know you can take care of yourself. I’ve been searching for you for years.”

Nikita shoved me again, harder this time, on the unforgiving surface behind me. There would be a cut on my back that was for sure. “You’re a liar! You didn’t show your face for seven years! I waited for you and you never came!”
