Fire & Brimstone (Neighbor from Hell 8)

Author: R.L. Mathewson
Category: Young Adult
Series: Neighbor from Hell
Total pages: 61

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Fire & Brimstone (Neighbor from Hell 8)

What happens when a Bradford with questionable OCD, a tempter and a reputation for making his employees cry falls for the woman that refuses to accept the fact that he’s fired her and was terrifyingly more of a Bradford than he was?

Well, we can’t share that here, because it would be seriously inappropriate, but we’re sure that you can see where this is leading…

To the altar or a stint in the slammer, either one is possible when it comes to the Neighbor from Hell Series.

Author’s Note: This book along with the rest of the series is intended to make you smile, let you relax and forget the drama and stress that plagues our lives even if its just for a little while. This is a drama free book. My goal is to put a smile on your face and I hope this book does that.