Page 32 of Unseen Destiny

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“What do you want me to do?” she squeaked.

“We need you to make a call. Convince him that you need to meet him. You have information or something, whatever he’s looking for, and need to do it face-to-face,” instructed Ash.

“What can I make him meet me for? It’s always different when he calls.”

Ash caught the glint of Mason’s teeth as he smirked. “Me.”

“What?” Florence was confused.

“Tell him that you have someone who is willing to go in front of the whole pack and say that they caught me red-handed and so on. Say that that person has the evidence, too, as long as they don’t ask too many questions.”

Florence’s eyes widened. “Are you sure?”

“He wants me investigated and recalled. Let’s give him the final nail, shall we?” He smiled at Ash, making her toes curl inexcitement. Contrary to her previous beliefs, she enjoyed having a partner and sharing in the plotting of it all.

“Let’s,” Ash said, returning his smile. They faced the ashen face of Florence.

“I’ll do what I can. I owe you and the pack that. I just worry. That’s my only hesitation, Mason. I swear.”

He raised his eyebrow, but his voice was softer. “I understand. But as Ash said earlier, your involvement will be minimal, and your presence won’t be needed. And when you call, say it’s a person who has this info, not you. Keeps your hands a little cleaner. But trust me when I say that this Puppeteer won’t get the chance to even think about who called him into this.”

His threat was blatant. Ash nodded encouragingly and slid a phone toward her.

“My mother will be taken care of?” she asked one final time as she picked up the phone.

“Yes. Though you have no need to worry. Nothing is going to happen to either of you,” the alpha comforted.

Florence dialed the number she had been given and left it on speaker, sitting on the table.

The phone rang and then went silent. Soft breathing soon indicated the call had been answered.

“He … Hello?”

No answer.

“I needed to let the Puppeteer in on some important information I received. I know it’s something he will be interested in.” Florence kept her eyes locked on Ash and Mason as she spoke. Both nodded, letting her know that she was doing a good job.

Still, there was only silence, but they hadn’t hung up yet. They were interested, at least.

Ash gestured for her to continue.

“It’s about Mason.”

“One moment,” came a computer-altered voice.

Ash gave her a thumbs up.

A few seconds had gone by when another auto-generated voice came across the line.

“Don’t waste my time.”

Panic instantly spread over Florence’s face. Ash motioned for her to calm down.

The woman took a breath before pushing through. “I know someone who is willing to testify to the council and pack that they saw Mason Blackmoss attack humans. They also state they can produce evidence to back it up should it be required.”

“You have my attention. Continue.”

“They don’t want to go through me. They want to give the information directly to you. They say it’s too valuable to be trusted to be delivered properly by anyone else.”
