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“If you’re fishing for information about Lia, then just ask me outright, Robert,” I counter.

Robert nods, leaning forward in his seat as he presses his hands against the desk. “Carl, Walter and I had a discussion about you the other night.”

“About me, or about Lia and Toby?”

“Both,” he admits. “Despite Carl’s approach to the situation–”

“Again, Lia and Toby are not a situation. They’re important to me.”

“Yes, Walter said as much.”

“So what did you conclude from your conversation?” I ask, leaning back in my seat, waiting for whatever bullshit he’s got to say.

“That Lia and her son should come to the wedding as your guests. If you’re serious about her, then they should be a part of this celebration, don’t you think?”

“If that’s what you want.”

“What I want to know is whether she’s trustworthy. If you’ve chosen her to join your family, then she needs to be. Walter seems to think she is. Carl isn’t so certain.”

“Carl is an arsehole,” I snap back.

“And I’m yet to make my mind up given I’ve not met her yet,” Robert continues. “Bring her to the wedding, her son too. Let me decide for myself whose opinion is right about your lady friend.”

“With all due respect, Robert, I honestly don’t give a fuck what any of you think. The only opinion that counts is mine. Lia is a good woman. She’s not a gold digger, and she’s not some undercover cop here to investigate your nefarious shit.”

“Our nefarious shit. You are the head of the Hammer family, Drix, and as such this is your legacy too,” Robert reminds me.

“You don’t need to worry. Your businesses and reputations are safe, because let’s face it, that’s all you really care about.”

Robert shrugs his shoulders. “You don’t get to be sitting where I am without being cautious. I have to protect my family, my businesses, and my fortune. It isn’t personal, you understand?”

“Lia is important to me,” I warn.

“Apparently so,” he muses, pouring himself a shot of brandy from a crystal decanter sitting on his desk. “And I take it you’ve checked out her background too? Just to be on the safe side.”

“Like I said, Lia isn’t someone you need to worry about,” I say, my hackles rising.

He cocks a brow, taking a sip of his brandy “But you have done a thorough search?”

“She’s clear,” I reply. The truth is I haven’t done a full background check. Why would I? She has nothing to hide, and I trust her implicitly.


“If that’s all?” I ask, wanting more than anything to get back to Lia.

It’s been a few days since that incredible night, our work commitments preventing us from spending as much time together as I’d like. I’ve arranged for Daisy to take Toby to the arcade tonight to spend the money in the swear jar so that we can spend some time together. Daisy is looking forward to taking Toby out, Toby can’t wait to win some unicorns, and I need to lose myself in Lia for the night. It’s a win-win for everyone.

“Sterling asked if you could stop by his studio before you leave,” Robert says as I move to stand.

I nod. “I can do that.”

“Check back in with me after Christmas break,” he adds, his attention drawn to a message on his phone. A smile pulls up his lips as he reads the text. I don’t bother to ask what it’s about. Firstly it’s none of my business and secondly, I honestly don’t care what’s got him so amused.

“No problem.”

With that, I turn on my heel and head to Sterling’s studio situated in the converted stables half a mile from the main building. Not only does he paint there, he sleeps there too, choosing to live in the small studio flat attached to the art studio over his palatial suite back at the mansion. I don’t blame him. Like Carl, Robert is a cold-hearted man who’s only interested in what people can do for him. He’s never supported Sterling, using his talents only for his own gain.

Eight minutes of brisk walking along the snow-cleared path, I reach Sterling’s art studio. Music blares from the open doorway, and as I push my way inside I’m confronted by a cacophony of colour splashed across a huge six foot by six foot canvas. My friend stands bare-chested in front of it, wearing a pair of threadbare blue jeans, covered head to toe in splashes of multicoloured paint.
