Page 96 of Secrets of Alkrose

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Acold breeze sweeps across my skin, beckoning my eyes to open. It’s blurry at first, but I recognize the stones above me as the ones in the infirmary. How did I get here? My mind takes a few minutes to catch up and once it does I sit up abruptly, wincing at the pain in my abdomen as I look to either side of me.

I’m alone and it’s dark.

I glance down at my hands, eyes widening as the gap in my memory fills in.

My left hand is wrapped in bandages, but it appears thinner than the other. What happened back at the portal? I look to the other beds but I’m the only one here. My chest sinks.

The others didn’t make it.

My knees curl up to my chest and I wrap my arms around them tightly. This isn’t real. It can’t be. It’s not true.

We never should have entered the basement portal. I fist my hair tightly, pulling the strands violently between my fingers. Hot tears stream from my eyes and burn my cheeks until the sensation vanishes just below my cheekbones.

I flinch. What?

I loosen my grip on my hair and let my fingers glide down my face. Now that I think about it, I can’t feel anything past my cheekbones.

Am I numb? No—that isn’t it.

My eyes widen further as my fingertips trace the hard, bony surface where my lips are supposed to be. No longer are they soft and fleshy. I spread my hands over the front of my face and a strangled sound escapes from my throat as I realize my entire jaw and upper row of teeth are nothing but cold bone.

I freeze and hesitate, letting my eyes fall back to my left hand.

“No,” I murmur in a pained, ghastly voice that’s not my own. I don’t recognize anything about myself anymore. I stay focused on my hand, knowing what I’ll find beneath the gauze and bandages.

I work the wrapping off and raise my hand to the dim moonlight.

Bone, dry underlying muscles, and tendons. A shudder runs through me, deep and rotten. A lump swells in my throat and I toss the blanket from my legs and inspect the rest of my body.

My legs are unscathed but my entire chest is wrapped, dry blood staining the fabric.

“This must be punishment. I’m the reason they're dead.” I try speaking again and wince at the sound of my new voice. It’s raspy and eerie, just like Sully’s voice—like a Shadow’s.

I glance at my hand once more, closing and opening it. The fleshless arm still moves like normal. How is beyond me, but I can’t find the strength to think about my own circumstances while the deaths of my friends are still so raw.

A creaking sound wails through the infirmary and someone stalks across the stone floors. I glance over to my side reluctantly, not wishing for anyone to see me this way.

I meet Terra’s sullen eyes.

My expression softens. The last memory I have is of her kneeling by my side on Fernestian soil. She saved my life. She came to find me even after everything I’ve done to her.

“Edgar, you’re finally awake.” Her voice quivers. “I’m so sorry.” She wraps her arms around me and cries into my shoulder. I’m stunned for a moment because we left off on such bad terms. Tears pool in my eyes once more and I embrace her.

“Don’t be sorry. Thank you for coming for me.” I try to make my voice less eerie, to no avail. Terra flinches and pulls away to look at my face. It takes everything inside of me to not turn and hide. I know what she must think of me.

I’m a monster. Inside and out.

Her hands press against my cheek and she smiles weakly.

I’m shocked by her reaction, but then again, perhaps she’s seen my face many times already. I have no idea how much time has passed. “I’m so happy you can speak. I was so worried that you wouldn’t be able to,” she admits. A small breath of relief slips past her lips and I can’t help but wonder if I will ever smile again. If I will ever feel a sigh of relief escape my lips. I’m not sure what expression I can even wear anymore. I only have my eyes left. What do they reveal? I wonder.

“Did any of us survive—” I pause and clarify, “Besides me?”

Terra’s eyes warm only a fraction. “Yes. Aervin and Lucina are safe. They’ve been visiting you for the last few days.”

If I could gasp, I would. But only a grunt escapes my throat. “Thank gods.”
