Page 10 of Property Of Maisy

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He plunges back in, giving me a few good pumps, and I’m back to the brink, thinking my answer worked and I’m going to get what I want, but then he stops again. This time, he pulls his hand all the way out from between my legs. He lifts his fingers, taking them in his mouth, sucking them to the root. His eyes closing as though he’s reveling in the flavor. Damn, it’s hot. More juices pool inside me, and I’m ready for him to take those licked and lubed fingers and shove them back into my hole and fuck me with them until I can’t walk straight.

“Fucking sweet,” he groans, his eyes opening again. His hand goes right past the side of my head and presses against the wall. I almost cry at the fact that his fingers aren’t returning to where I need them most. His head dips down, aligning our eyes. Face to face. His mouth so close I can feel his hot breath wisp across my lips. My mind spinning out of control.

“You want me to give you what you want, babe, then you need to give me what I want.” He gives my lips a quick little nip before he pushes off the wall, then turns and walks away. My body nearly gives out on me, and if I weren’t against the wall, it would have. Dammit. He doesn’t play fair.

Well… he’s about to be in for a rude awakening because two can play this game.



A week comes and goes, and I’m now eating my words. I thought I could beat Ice at his own game, but I was so wrong. That man does not break, but my pussy is just about broken, and it’s not because she’s been thoroughly fucked and satisfied. It’s because every single day, Ice leaves me in a state of desperate need, and my own fingers do nothing to take the edge off or make it go away.

Ice has upped the ante, and I’m having a seriously hard time holding strong. At first, he’d come into the bar and play it cool. He’d wait until I was alone and vulnerable then attack, sweeping in and claiming his prey when I was least expecting it. Always taking me to near death with need but then never finishing the job.

Now, he doesn’t wait. He finds every moment he can to get his hands or mouth on me. He doesn’t care who’s around and sees. He gives no fucks about me being on the clock with patrons waiting on their drinks. He walks in, stalks right toward me, and drinks me down in front of the entire room. Now, it feels like I’m under constant attack, and there’s no cover for me to hide under in this battle zone.

Tonight, though, I came guarded with heavy armor. After he nearly had me begging to suck his cock last night when he pulled it out and stroked it in front of me, I knew I needed reinforcements. So I asked Hailey if she’d help a girl out and make sure I’m never alone with the man. I don’t plan on taking a break tonight, and if I need to pee, she said she’d escort me to the bathroom and stand guard so Mr. Too Sexy to Resist doesn’t sneak in and start working my body into a complete tizzy.

I actually thought I’d outsmarted him last night. I thought the coast was clear, and I could catch five minutes to myself and regain my emotional footing—because every time I see him, my heart falls deeper and deeper. Before I left the seating area, I even made sure Riley was over at the guys’ table keeping their attention, especially his. But as I walked out the back door, I walked right into the chest of the man I was trying to hide from.

Instead of his usual torment—touching, rubbing, and working my body over—he pushed me to my knees and tortured me in an entirely different way. He pulled out his huge, perfect dick and began to stroke the object of my fantasies right in front of my face. I’d seen him back in high school, but Ice’s cock has not only grown in length and girth, he also has it pierced. And damn that little bar at the end is sexy. I wanted to run my tongue over the little piece of metal and suck on it along with his perfect thick head, but I resisted. Well…mostly resisted.

I did lean in and rub my cheek against it and nuzzle it a little, but at least I resisted the urge to suck it between my lips and roll my tongue right around the end. But feeling the thick silky hard flesh against my skin had me almost giving in to the man. Ice still won’t give me what I want until I hear him out, and I refuse to do that because I’m afraid of what he’s going to say. I’m afraid my heart won’t stand a chance against him, and I can’t let that happen. I would never survive if the man walked away from me again.

And as if proving my point of the kind of mass destruction he’s capable of, I’m practically a mess when it’s time to clock out and there’s still no sign of him. He never showed up at the bar tonight. Not that he made me some kind of promise he would be here tonight, but he’s been here nightly for months. He doesn’t usually drink, but he still shows up to shoot the shit with his brothers. And of course, lately, he’s been coming in to drive me crazy. But tonight, the guys were here, but he was a no-show.

I had Riley ask Axle if Ice was tending to some club business, hoping that maybe there was another major drug bust or something he had to deal with, but that wasn’t the case. Axle didn’t know where Ice was. And his answer only sent me further into a spiral, and then I began wondering whether maybe Ice had found another girl to keep his interest, especially since he wasn’t getting anything from me. I’m not the only one who’s been left unsatisfied. He walks out of this bar every night with a massive hard-on. Maybe he finally grew tired of going home with blue balls.

If I were smart, I’d be happy to get the reprieve from him and his sexual torture and should want him to find someone else to occupy his time, but I’m practically in a state of panic. This is exactly why I needed to keep my distance. This is why I should have never let him in again. Dammit. The tears sting my eyes, and I can’t get out of the bar fast enough. I need to get home so I can shatter in private.



Maisy comes walking out of the bar with her eyes aimed at the ground. From the slump of her shoulders, it looks like she had a rough night. Wonder how busy it got up in this place tonight. Sometimes, a rowdy bunch will come in, but usually we’ll handle them. I haven’t touched base with the men, so I’m not sure what all went down.

She finally lifts her head, making her approach toward her car, and spots me leaning up against it. Right as those pretty eyes land on me, they spark to life, but just as quick as the light shines in them, it turns off. As if she flipped a switch. I’m used to her fighting her smiles and giving me her stubborn, but I’m waiting for the day when she lights up with a smile and comes running toward me. But that’s definitely not gonna be tonight. Not when her entire frame has turned rigid.

“We’re closed, Ice,” she states, and there’s something in her tone that rattles me. I don’t think she’s just talking about the bar being closed for the night. I think she’s telling me that she’s done. Fuck. What the hell happened tonight to cause her to withdraw from me? Day by day I’ve been chipping away at that iron shell she’s got locked around her heart, but it suddenly looks to be right back in place. I can see it in her eyes and in every single gorgeous feature. She’s shutting me out again. Only this time, it feels like it’s for good.

“I’m not here for a drink, babe. I came for you.”

She shakes her head. “Well, I hate to break it to you, but you’re a little too late. I’m done, Ice. I’m tired.”

Yep, and she’s not just talking about being tired and done for the night. I step up into her space and grip the back of her neck.

“You want to tell me why you’re icing me out, baby girl? Because as of last night, I recall you being fucking molten hot for me.”

She grips my hand and pulls it off her neck, putting another wall up between us as she steps out of my reach. “Yeah, well, I finally came to my senses, Ice. Whatever this was, it’s over. I’m done. For good this time. I can’t… I won’t… I don’t want…” Her eyes fill with tears as she struggles to find her words. It’s time to take matters into my own hands.

“Come on. Let’s go for a ride, angel.”

Her eyes flutter up to mine, and the pain I see guts me. She’s scared, and she’s hurting, and it’s time I put an end to all of that. I don’t even give her the option to say no. I take her hand and lead her over to my bike, then I hand her the helmet I had especially made for her. She looks down at the thing and back over at her car. I can tell she’s struggling with the decision. It’s as if she knows this is a crossroad, so I put up a barricade to block the path that takes her away from me for good.

“Baby, if you don’t get on the back of my bike now, I swear you’ll wish you had. I’m going to become a permanent fixture in your life and follow your ass around twenty-four-seven if I have to, and there won’t be anything you can do about it. But if you come with me now, the choice will be yours. Once I’ve laid myself down at your feet, it will be for you to decide what happens next. If you never want to see me again, it may kill me, but I will somehow find the power to walk away. All I’m asking is for you to hear me out first.”

Her eyes are filled with tears, and her throat bobs on her nerves, but she hasn’t turned away yet. And that’s a damn good thing. “Where were you tonight, Ice?” As soon as the question leaves her mouth, it all clicks into place. What flipped her switch was the fact that I wasn’t here tonight. Not only that, but I hadn’t told her I wasn’t going to be coming in. Again, I fucked up with my girl. Seems to be a bad habit of mine that I need to kick real quick before I end up losing her.
