Page 8 of Property Of Maisy

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Have to say, the one that hurt the most was Axle. It nearly killed me the morning I saw her leaving his room. I don’t think I’ve ever known a pain so great. Then again, it was the wake-up call I needed. That was the moment I realized I was being a dumbass for not claiming my girl and needed to get off my ass. That was the moment I vowed to make things right. Yet, I’ve already done a bang-up job of screwing things up. Now I’m back to ground zero.

Maisy’s shoulders suddenly stiffen, and her face changes from all sexy happy to pissed as hell. The alarm starts firing off in my gut when her eyes narrow at the prospect and her cheeks turn fire red. Rake better not have said something to upset my girl, or he’ll fucking have to pay for it. But just as I’m about to head over to find out what the hell happened, she turns and storms in our direction, saving me the trip.

“I am not yours, Ice!” she spits out on an angry shout, getting right up in my face, her eyes trying to kill me with her venom. And damn, do I want to kiss the shit out of that stubborn little mouth of hers. Just five inches and I’d have a taste. “Take it back. The claiming thing. You can’t claim me when I’m not yours.” She turns toward Axle. “Override it, Axe. You’re the president. Make him un-claim me.”

I want to grip her around the waist, pull her right to me, and tell her that she sure as hell is mine, but I have to keep my cool. Another wrong move and I’ll be permanently iced out. Axle shakes his head. “No can do, Maisy. It’s our most sacred law. You’re Ice’s girl, and no one else is going to put their hands on you or they’ll have to pay the consequences.”

“Fuck that. And fuck you!” She huffs, hitting me with another poisonous glare before she stomps off and storms out of the bar. I’m out of my seat and following her right out the door, finding her puffing out her frustration as she rounds the corner of the side of the building. I stalk after her and see her pressed against the brick wall, looking like she wants to throw something or slash my tires. Thankfully, my bike isn’t parked on this side of the lot, or she may get some ideas. I step right into her space, taking away her ability to run from me.

“Why the hell won’t you just leave me alone, Ice?” The pain in her voice is like a stake through my heart. This isn’t about her being stubborn, this is about her hurting. And I’m the one that caused that hurt.

“Because I’m in love with you,” I state, finally putting my heart on the line once and for all. I’ve waited too long to tell her that and I’m no longer wasting time. But my nerves are shaking. This girl has the power to destroy me and now she knows it.

Her whispered gasp and the surprised look in her eyes are better than a slap across the face and her running away, though I’d kind of hoped she’d melt for me. But I shouldn’t be expecting a miracle when I haven’t even made things right.

“Maisy, we need to talk. I…”

“No, Ice,” she says, cutting me off. “You had your chance to talk last night, and you stood me up. I don’t trust a word that comes out of your mouth. It’s nothing but lies. It was lies back then, and it’s lies now.”

Fucking hell. I should have taken ten seconds last night to let her know that there was an emergency. Now I have an even bigger hole to dig myself out of.

“There was important club business that needed to be attended to, babe. Axle put me in charge and I had to leave in a hurry. I wanted to meet you. Damn, did I want my chance. But timing can be shit sometimes. And last night, that shit stood in my way.”

She crosses her arms in front of her chest, closing herself off even further. “Well, I guess we know where your priorities lie. Like I told you yesterday, Ice, we’re done. But if you still have the need to have that little chat to clear your conscience, then I suggest you march inside and tell the men that you no longer have a claim on me and that I’m free game. Then I’ll be willing to hear what you have to say.”

Now, I’m pissed. I brace my arms against the wall, caging her in. Leaning down to where she can see straight in my eyes and know how dead fucking serious I am. “If you think you’re going to go fuck one of my brothers, or any other fucking guy in this town, you’re wrong. You want some dick, baby, there’s only one place you’re gonna get it. This one right fucking here is all yours and is the only one you have access to.” I push myself against her so she can feel the rock-hard cock that’s desperate for her attention.

Her little whimpered moan is the best sound in the world. My girl is trying to fight me tooth and nail, but her body isn’t immune. Her mouth opens, and I know something snarky is about to fall from her perfectly plump lips, but I’m not interested in hearing it. I crash my mouth down on hers and tangle her words up with my tongue. Swallowing down any protest she may have, waiting for her to slap me or shove me away. Bite my tongue and draw blood.

But to my shock, she melts. Her body molding into mine. Her mouth giving me every bit as good as she’s getting. Her tongue tangles right up in the heat and her hands grip at my chest like she needs me closer. I once believed our first kiss back in school was the best kiss of my life, but I realize how wrong I was. This, this is the best kiss I’ve ever had in my life. The fire, the heat, the sheer need rolling off her. Damn, I want more.

I press my hips forward, angling my straining cock right where her little hot button is, and she lets out a dire little moan. She needs more too. So I begin thrusting upward, grinding myself against her, stoking the fire hotter. One of her legs climbs up around my waist, and I take liberties to hike them both up, spreading her open so I can access all of her.

“You need it, baby, don’t you?” I suck her bottom lip between mine then give it a little nip with my teeth before licking the sting away. I thrust and grind, dry fucking her in a steady rhythm. Building us both up into a frenzied hunger. Another moan falls from her lips and it beckons the cum right from the end of my cock.

“Your pussy wants to be fucked hard, doesn’t she?” I buck myself harder,and she cries out my name. “That’s right, baby. I’m the one who’s going to give you what you need. The only one who’s going to make this little pussy weep with pleasure.” I grip her ass in my hands and pound into her hard and fast, wishing the clothes weren’t obstructing her pleasure. But I can tell she’s still getting the friction she needs. I can tell she’s near the brink.

She pulls her mouth away, her head falling back against the wall for her to catch her breath. I give her a reprieve and kiss and suck my way down her neck, up to her ear, and across her cleavage. Dropping my head lower and brushing my lips over her tight little bud poking through her shirt. Giving it a nip through the material. My name falls from her lips again as her nails claw through my shirt, and it edges me forward. I move to her other breast, giving it the same treatment, sucking it through the cotton of her top, wishing I could nurse it proper. But someone is liable to cross the lot and spot us and I don’t want anyone to see her perfect breasts except for me.

“Ice, I’m going to come! Oh my God, I’m going to come so hard. Mmm… that’s it. Yes! Don’t stop.”

Her perfect begging pleas call to my cock, and I bear down, grinding her right through her orgasm, holding her tighter as she convulses through the pleasure. My cock is straining to follow suit, but he’ll have to wait. This moment is for my girl. This is about me showing her that I’m not after just sex, but I want her heart. This is about me prioritizing her needs.

When she’s settled back down, her panting evening out, her trembles starting to slow, I kiss my way back up her neck and across her chin. Taking another taste of her incredible mouth. This time, taking her slow and sweet. This time, trying to show her how much she means to me. And by the way she kisses me back, her tongue slowly teasing against mine, her lips softly savoring, I’m beginning to believe she may feel the same way.

When I sense her need for air, I reluctantly pull back. Her eyes flutter open at my withdrawal, and the look in them has my heart pounding heavy. It’s time to tell her all the words that have been bogging my mind and heart down ever since I woke up realizing what a huge mistake I made. Now is my chance. But right as I open my mouth to speak, there’s a commotion in the distance.

Maisy’s legs drop from my waist, and we both turn our heads towards the sound. My hackles raise when I see Grit, our sergeant at arms and the most levelheaded guy I know, losing his shit. But what’s more surprising is that it’s over the new girl, Hailey, who just started working here three days ago. The one who barely looks legal to serve up drinks.

“What the fuck was that, Hailey?”

She crosses her arms and cocks her chin up, giving him a staredown. I swear these girls and their stubborn streaks are going to send us men to an early grave. “What the fuck was what, Grit?”

“You have a thing for Riff now?” He moves in closer to her, jealousy clinging to his gritted words, and my jaw is about to drop. Since when did Grit go and catch feelings for the girl? He looks twisted the fuck up, but as far as I understood, she just moved to town.

“I need to get back inside.” Maisy’s sexy voice pulls my attention right back to my girl. “With both of us out here, they’re probably drowning in there.”

She moves to step away from me, but I grip her chin and steal one more kiss from her soft lips. I slip my mouth away, fighting the need to haul her out of here, but she’s not going to stand for that. Maisy doesn’t run from her responsibilities. But…I’m not going to let her run from me either. “Just so you know… We’re not done here. And when you get off your shift, we’re having that chat.”
