Page 21 of Raven's Place

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,” I say, to move on. Maybe Vinn got it wrong.


Siblings. I hate that word. Images of my twin infiltrate my mind, but I shut them down. This is a fresh start. I have to block all that shit out and concentrate on moving forward. “What about your parents?” I hear Raven ask, and I shrug.

“What about them?”

She smiles. “Well, do you speak to them?”

I shake my head. “Do you speak to yours? I can’t imagine they’re happy about you hanging around the MC.”

“I don’t have any,” she says bluntly. “I was adopted when I was small.”

“Oh. Did you have a good childhood?”

She shakes her head. “Not really.”

“So, how did you end up at the club?”

“It was just a life I stumbled into when I was on the streets as a teen. Hung around the wrong people and got into situations I had no real control over. Eventually, I was a club whore for Cobra.” I raise my eyebrows. Cobra is infamous amongst the other Kings charters as the Pres who went rogue. “Chains found me, got me out of there, and I’ve been here in London since. I love it here, though. It’s nothing like some of the other places I’ve been.”

“My dad was in the club, and his dad before him. I grew up in it,” I say. It’s the most I’ve told her and it feels good to talk about it. I loved growing up in the MC. It was my dream to take over my own charter, but that never worked out. Ruby loved being in Nottingham, it’s where her family was and she needed them around her. So, I settled . . . I became Treasurer and settled. Until I didn’t anymore, and here I am.

“Why’d yah leave?”

“Why do most people move on?” I ask. “Love or heartbreak, and as I don’t have an ol’ lady with me, you work it out.”

“But you did have an ol’ lady?” she asks, and I nod. I couldn’t be with Ruby for eighteen years and not make her my ol’ lady. “And she didn’t want to come with you, so she broke your heart?” she guesses.

“Will you always be in this life?” I ask, changing the subject.

“I hope so. I love it. But who knows what the future holds?”

I smirk. That’s a true statement if ever I heard one.

* * *

I stretch out and open one eye, seeing it’s dark in the apartment now. We must have fallen asleep. I glance to where Raven’s head is resting against my chest. We talked for hours— mainly she talked as I didn't want to give too much away, but I let her tell me about her teenage years and how the girls at school hated her. It sounds like she went from one boy to the next, looking for love but always being used. I wrap a tendril of her red hair around my finger. It’s been a few months since I woke up with a woman next to me like this.

Her mobile lights up, silently flashing Vinn’s name on the screen. I carefully reach for it and see she has ten missed calls and a text message from him. Arsehole. He’s treated her just like all the men in her life do, used her and dumped her. I open the text message.

Vinn: Where the fuck are you? I’ve been to the club and you’re not there. Call me.

I delete it. It’s wrong, but I’m looking out for her and lord knows someone needs to. I’m not gonna let men use her again. Maybe this is my time to put shit right.

* * *

I wait until daylight before waking Raven. She groans, and I smile as she blinks her eyes a few times before sitting up in a panic. “Oh shit, what time is it?” She grabs her phone and frowns when she sees no missed calls or texts.

“Relax. It’s Sunday. What do you have that’s so time critical today?”

She lets out a breath. “Nothing, I guess.”

“Wanna hang out?”

She smiles. “Sure. What do you have in mind?”

“Let’s start with breakfast. Brick’s got nothing in this place.”
