Page 64 of Niall (Vigilance 2)

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“How is he?” I asked.

“Physically, he’ll be fine,” Dr. Janssen said.

“She stitched me up and gave me antibiotics,” Dalton said. “I already feel better.”

Walsh patted his hand. “That’s the pain medicine, darling.”

I frowned at the doctor. “You said he’d be fine physically. What do you mean by that?”

“I mean this situation is raising all kinds of suspicions, and I need to assure myself Dalton is here of his own free will and that he wishes to leave with Mr. Walsh.”

She certainly had balls to question us, especially knowing she was the Marchesis’ contact, not Vigilance’s.

Dalton reached for Walsh’s hand. “I swear I’m where I want to be. I love this man. I know you probably don’t get that, but I do. I came with him willingly to try and stop…” He paused, likely unsure how much the doctor knew. “Some horrible things.”

“And you succeeded?” she asked

Devil entered behind me. “Yes, but that’s all we’re saying.”

“I don’t need to know more.” She turned to Marco and narrowed her eyes.

“You were involved in whatever happened tonight, weren’t you?

“I was. And it’s a damn good thing,” I said. “He saved my life.”

She sighed. “I hope you’ll at least rest now. Let me see your arm.”

Marco submitted to her ministrations even though I was sure he didn’t want to.

“You haven’t done any further damage, but it’s not going to heal if you keep up this pace.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

He looked like a contrite child. It warmed my chest to see him allow himself to be fussed over. If I had my way, I’d be taking care of him once we were home.

Once the doctor left, we had to debrief with X and Lucien and make sure we’d thoroughly erased our presence on the island.

Lucien said he had that angle covered with the local authorities. No one would question that Arlington and the others had killed each other in a fight.

What I wanted to do was get a hotel room for me and Marco, snuggle up in bed with him, and forget the rest of the world existed, but we needed to get back to Boston quickly to deal with Swain.

When we reached Boston, I delivered Marco to his apartment to rest and headed straight to meet with X. The next few days flew by, and I ended up being so busy tying up loose ends that days passed before I was able to spend any time alone with Marco. We’d texted and been in meetings together, but he’d needed to take care of the business he’d neglected while we were away, so in the rare moments I was free, he wasn’t. Finally, three days after the takedown, he told me he was closing the shop early, and we were having dinner. “It’s time for our first official date.”

My pulse pounded in my ears, and the room seem to close in on me. Why the fuck did that sound so scary after everything we’d been through? “I… I’m…”

“Or if you’re not interested anymore then—”

“No. I mean, yes, I’m interested, and I’ll be there. What time?”

“Seven o’clock and don’t be late.”

“Where should I meet you?”

“At my shop.”

“Yes, sir.” I heard him suck in a breath as I hung up.

I stopped by Leo’s shop, needing to pass on information that would hopefully lead to tracking down Lavender and Tiberius. We hoped to find them and coerce them into rolling over on Swain.

Leo had found Swain’s informant faster than I’d expected. It was the guy he’d recently hired to work the front desk. He told us he was taking care of it, and none of us felt the need to ask for details since Leo was nothing if not thorough.

When I stepped into the shop, Leo was up front.

“Are you checking in clients for now?” I asked.

“We’re all taking turns.”

“Got any leads on a new hire?”

Leo sighed. “No, but I’m going to be way more careful this time.”

He was blaming himself for what happened. “I know how thoroughly you vet everyone.”

“Apparently not thoroughly enough.”

I doubted anything I said would make him feel better, but an idea came to me. I gestured toward Bacon and Bakin’. “How about that adorable waiter? He worships you, so I can’t imagine he’d ever turn on you, and considering how poorly he does his job, I’m not sure he’ll be employed there much longer.”

Leo narrowed his eyes. “You know as well as I do that he’s only that big of a mess when we’re in there. We make him nervous.”

“You make him nervous.”

“Don’t discount how intimidating you and Giorgio are.”

“He hardly notices us.”

Leo glanced toward the café. “I’ll think about it, but if you’re trying to set me up, forget it. I told you I’m not falling for this relationship bullshit.”

“Just because Marco and I—”

Leo held up his hand. “Don’t even try. I’ve seen the way you look at him. It’s like Giorgio and Lane all over again.”

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