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She looked good enough to eat.

He was going to at least taste.

He didn’t answer her. Catching the edge of the door he pushed inside before wrapping the fingers of his other hand around her wrist. He closed the door, locked it, then looked back at the open office door and the light inside the room.

“Working?” He stared down at her as he felt the slow slide of his control eroding into the dust.

“Does it matter?” Her lips twisted mockingly. “Ready for another slap and tickle, are you?”

He ignored the accusation; instead, he moved toward the room, holding her wrist firmly and drawing her with him.

Stepping inside, he came to a hard stop, his eyes narrowing at the sight of the man lounging back on the couch that sat against the wall.

Cranston was short, portly, his brown hair thinning, his expression as innocent and as unthreatening as a child’s. It was a damned good thing Zeke knew just how devious and cunning the Homeland Security agent could be.

“Sheriff? You’re putting in some long hours, aren’t you?” Timothy Cranston rose from the couch, straightened his wrinkled jacket on his shoulders, and flashed Zeke a sly smile. “Rogue and I were just discussing the unseasonably cold weather. ”

“No, we weren’t, we were talking about Zeke. ” Rogue jerked her wrist from his grip and moved around him as Timothy chuckled at her revelation.

“Very well, we were talking about you. ” He shrugged. “She has a very high opinion of you. ”

“No, I don’t. I think he’s a prick,” she stated, a tight smile curling her lips as Timothy laughed again, his gaze thoughtful as it came back to Zeke.

“Good-bye, Agent Cranston,” Zeke stated, his voice harsh.

Putting up with Cranston’s bullshit wasn’t high on his list of priorities right now. He’d deal with him later; for now, he intended to deal with Rogue. The teasing little minx had flitted around the restaurant, like a flame- haired seductress while he had been there. Half the men in the restaurant had been panting over their meals, the other half were probably home jacking off to visions of lifting that little skirt over her ass and paddling it for driving them crazy. That was definitely what he would have been jacking off to. If he’d had the good sense to go home.

“Well, I can tell when I’m no longer needed. ” Timothy adjusted the front of his suit jacket over his chest before picking up the overcoat he had laid on the couch beside him.

“Good night, my dear. ” He nodded to Rogue before turning to Zeke. “Later, Sheriff. ”

“Much later,” Zeke assured him.

Timothy smiled again, one of those amused, condescending curls of the lips that never failed to raise Zeke’s hackles.

He had issues with the agent, serious ones, that weren’t being resolved anytime soon.

He’d been working with Timothy Cranston for ten years now to break the Freedom League and its hold in the Kentucky mountains. What had he gained for his efforts? In the past two years, two operations had been conducted in Pulaski County that Zeke had been kept in the dark about.

He didn’t appreciate it. And now, six months later, he and Cranston were still at a stalemate over it.

“Soon,” Timothy corrected as he shrugged his overcoat on and moved around Zeke to the open door. “Very soon, Sheriff. ”

The agent at least had the consideration to close the door behind him. Zeke went one better and locked it before turning back to Rogue.

She was no longer leaning against her desk. She had lifted herself onto it, sitting poised on the edge with her shapely, silken legs crossed. Red gold curls cascaded around her like silken flames of temptation.

“And I ask again, what do you want?” she asked archly. “Or did you decide to come by and torture me another night? Keep it up, Zeke, and you may find yourself shackled to a bed somewhere with your own handcuffs. ”

He snorted at the threat. “I don’t think so. ”

He watched her, simply watched her as the need to touch her grew like a sickness inside him. Staying away from her was impossible. He was learning that. The more he tried, the harder it became. The more he denied himself, the more he ached for what he shouldn’t have.

“You deliberately made me crazy earlier,” he accused her roughly. “Flipping around that restaurant in that little skirt, daring me to take you. ”

Her brow arched. “Are you paranoid, Zeke? Maybe you just needed to see it as a dare so you could have an excuse to do something you were dying to do anyway. ”

“And that would be?” He forced the words past his lips as he stepped closer.

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