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For fuck’s sake. I leaned over and went to reach for Flash’s collar.


Stopping mid-motion, I turned and gaped my mouth at him. Did he just say my name off those plump soft lips?

Shaking my head, I leaned in farther for Flash. “Walk. Let’s go for a walk!”

Flash stood on all fours and moved closer to me. “That’s it, boy! Come on! Jump over his drunk ass.”

Just. A little. More.

Grabbing the collar, I cried out, “Yes!”

“Oh God yes, Rory. Ride me faster, baby. Fuck me hard.”

“Wait, what am I doing?” I said just as Flash jumped back, pulling me right onto the bed and across Finn’s naked body.

Flash barked and jumped off the other side of the bed.

Before I had a chance to react, Finn cried out, “Get off me, Flash!”

My eyes widened in surprise.

I’m so screwed.

I wasn’t sure how I did it, but I threw my body back and onto the floor. Flash ran over and started licking me.

Pushing him away, I heard Finn moving around on the bed. I got on all fours and quickly started crawling out the door, with Flash hot on my feet. Of course, he was barking and jumping on me the entire time. Swatting at him with my hand, I shot him magical bolts of shut-the-hell-up power.

“God, Flash. Stop barking. My head is fucking killing me.”

The door was within inches of me. I was almost through it when I heard my name.


I stopped, my head dropped, and I let out a “Shit.”

Glancing back, I flashed the still very naked Finn a smile. “Hey! Good morning! Don’t mind me, I’m just gonna feed the dog and take him for a walk.”

Finn stood up, not even trying to cover his stuff. He was still hard, and I was positive he looked even bigger with his dick up against that amazing toned stomach of his.

“Lord, please help me,” I whispered.

Running his hand through his hair, he walked over to us and looked down.

“Why are you on the floor acting like a dog?”

“I um…trying to…get dog…the food…needs water…can’t think…you’re naked.”

Finn glanced down. “Holy shit!” He quickly grabbed a shirt from the bench at the end of his bed and covered himself. “I’m sorry, Rory. Listen, my head is pounding and I’ve got a massive hangover.”

I jumped up. “Totally okay. I’ll just take the dick…no wait the cat…I mean the pussy. No. No I mean the dog. I’ll take the dog for a walk. After I feed him. While you take a shower and get the horrible smell off you.”

Finn’s mouth cracked into a smile. “Are you okay?”

Swallowing hard, I shook my head and asked, “Honestly?”

“Always honesty, Rory.”

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