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“In case you didn’t hear, I told them to bring you more coffee,” I say. “I interrupted your caffeine fix and you’re writing today.” I glance at my watch. “But you don’t have me much longer. I have to go by the venue. I want to know what the event will look like while I’m setting it all up.”

He sips his coffee. “They do make a damn good coffee,” he says.

I follow his lead and sip mine as well. “God, I’ve missed these. There are some perks to being in town for the next few months.”

“There are definite perks,” he says, his voice warm, almost flirtatious, but I can’t really read him. “Why do you like the red mugs?” he asks.

“I have no idea. I just like the red. I have to have the red. It’s silly, I know, but that’s just how I roll.”

“It’s not silly,” he says, his eyes warm with a mix of friendliness and amusement. “It’s adorable. You’re adorable.”

Adorable again.

I’m adorable.

I’m that girl he doesn’t want to date.

Who am I kidding? He’s told me twice now how he really feels about me and it’s not what I’d secretly hoped for.


Dash’s eyebrow inches up. “You don’t like being adorable,” he says, no question. He read me like I read his books, all too easily.

“It’s not that,” I say.

“I think it is.”

“Puppies are adorable. And kitty cats. And this cupcake.” I point to my plate. “It’s really cute. I also think the flowers on this red cup are adorable as well, which is part of the reason I love the red mug.”

He smiles a charming smile and says, “Now you sound like me reading the reviews on my first book, picking at words and making bad out of good. What would you want me to call you?”

“No description, remember? We talked about this. I don’t want to know what you think of me.” I pick up my fork and take a bite. I mean, why do I care how I look eating in front of Dash? I’m the adorable, sweet girl you’re friends with but don’t date.

“Okay,” he reasons. “Let’s try this another way. When I say a woman is adorable, what does that woman, any woman, think?”

I hesitate, but we’re past anything romantic so there’s no reason I can’t be straight-up with him. “When I was growing up, my best friend was gorgeous, blonde, Swedish. Everyone called her beautiful. I was cute, which is basically adorable.”

“And what if I told you you’re both?”

“I’d say good save and eat your cupcake, but thank you for trying.”

His eyes are alight with a smile, but his cellphone rings again and he grimaces. “That’s going to be my sister again.” He grabs it from the table and says, “Yes. My sister.” His eyes meet mine. “And for the record, I never say anything I don’t mean. More on that later.” He doesn’t give me time to reply. He answers the call with, “Have I told you how much you irritate the hell out of me?”

He’s teasing, of course. It’s in his voice. He and his sister are close, able to tease each other in a way that only siblings can tease each other. I take another bite of my cupcake while they chat. I’m not sure what all is said, but my cupcake is gone by the time he starts to wrap up with, “Good. Then we’re even.” He listens a moment. “I’m not moving the deadline up. Don’t ask again. And yes, I’ll come by later.” He hangs up.

My brows lift. “Was that about the book you’re struggling with?”

“Yes. Hollywood wants the manuscript. They’re considering a Ghost TV show and they want all they can get from me, but giving them the book too soon doesn’t serve them or me well.” He scrubs his jaw. “And now you know why I want you to read it for me.”

“First, the TV show is exciting. Congratulations. And second, now I know why you think you need me to read it. You’re feeling pressure that isn’t normally there. You have to remove yourself from that pressure, not add more by having someone, me, critique your work. Your writing is always magnificent.” I lean in a little closer, a smile on my lips as I add, “And for the record, I never say anything I don’t mean. I hate liars and fakes. I’m not that.” I ease back and sip my coffee. “And with that brilliant advice, and it is brilliant advice, I probably need to go.” I scoot my chair out slightly. “I’m going to take Katie and the team back a box of cupcakes. Katie’s really eager to help with this auction.” I stand up. “I’ll be right back.”

I hurry to the counter and Adrianna greets me. “It really is good to see you.”

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