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Suddenly, the crowd exploded in applause as Casey came around the corner and stood in front of a large white sheet. Looking at him now, Dean couldn’t believe he was the same kid he’d first met. Now nearly six feet tall and still growing, it seemed, Casey smiled out at the crowd. Dean remembered how Casey had once dreamed of doing a mural for his school, and now he was about to present his second one. The school had asked him to do another before he left for NYU, and he had spent all summer painting, showing none of them what he was working on.

Casey’s high school principal stepped out to make the introductions, just as Jack Douglas and his wife, Sandy, pushed through to stand next to them. “Sorry we’re late, but traffic was awful.”

“It’s okay, it is just starting.” Dean watched Violet give her father a tentative hug before greeting Sandy warmly. It seemed that no matter what Jack tried to do to make up for all those bad years, Violet never quite seemed at ease with him. Dean was sorry for that but proud of her for trying. It was all any of them could do.

“Where the hell is Daisy?” Violet griped.

Daisy appeared between them. “I’m here, Vulcan hearing and all. Sorry, but that line to the bathroom was fucking ridiculous.”

Dean coughed, hiding his laughter as Violet glared mutinously at her si

ster. He could almost hear Violet trying to tell Daisy to watch her language, but she didn’t bother saying it aloud. If Daisy was incorrigible at eighteen, there was no changing her at twenty-two.

“Thank you all for coming,” the principal said. “Today, I have the pleasure of introducing one of the finest artists to ever grace these halls. We asked him to paint something special to reflect our community before he leaves us for NYU in a few weeks. Please welcome Casey Douglas.”

More clapping as Casey waited, and once it was quiet again, he spoke loud and clear. “Thank you for coming. This particular piece was inspired by my past to prove that no matter how dark the time, we can’t give up. We must continue to search for the best within ourselves and the world around us. I was lucky to have my family and friends to get me through. Some kids don’t have that kind of support, but I hope that this at least will give them hope.”

“And so, without further ado, here is Violets in the Sun.”

Violet gasped as Casey pulled down the sheet to reveal a bright purple field of violets and a blast of sunshine highlighting their colors. On either side of the mural was darkness with the hint of shapes, and there were mountains in the background. The mountains were lit up with oranges, pinks, and yellows, and atop one was a single figure reaching toward the sky.

There were collective sounds of approval before more thunderous clapping, which echoed through the hallway. Dean leaned over Daisy, careful to not let Jack hear, and spoke in Violet’s ear. “If you were ever worried that kid doesn’t love you, I think we can put that to bed.”

Violet flinched, and Dean turned toward her just as her skin turned sheet white.

“Violet, what’s wrong?”

She reached out and gripped his arm, her eyes wide. Daisy moved out of the way as Violet said loudly, “We have to go.”

Alarm shot through Dean like electroshock. “What is wrong? Are you okay?”

“I think”—she swallowed—“my water just broke.”

IF SOMEONE HAD told Violet five years ago that she would be lying in a hospital room in the labor and delivery ward, holding her daughter, she would have laughed in their faces. Never in a million years could she have imagined her life turning out like this. The fears and doubts were still there, at the back of her mind, but they no longer plagued her every day. She had spent the last four years discovering who she was, and she was eternally grateful for the man standing next to her for supporting her.

Dean leaned over and kissed her forehead, smiling down at the little wrinkly bundle in the pink blanket. “She’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“I think so, too.”

A knock on the door nearly made Violet groan. For hours, friends and family had been streaming in to say their congratulations, and although she appreciated having them, she was exhausted and dying to sleep.

Casey and Daisy peeked inside, and Violet was relieved it was them.


“We come bearing gifts from Meredith. She says she needs you, and the place is falling apart,” Casey said, holding up a pink pastry box from The Sweet Spot Eatery.

Violet had started working at the little restaurant and bakery just after Dean and she had celebrated their sixth-month anniversary. It had been the move to solidify her dream of one day owning her own shop, but for now she was content to come in early and bake all the delectable treats that graced the dessert case. Meredith had hinted lately about making Violet a partner, but it was a big decision, one she still wasn’t sure she was ready for. Time would tell.

Casey and Daisy came to stand next to the bed. Daisy wrinkled her nose. “Babies are ugly.”

“She is not!” Dean practically roared, startling the baby in Violet’s arms.

“Geez, don’t be so touchy. I meant ugly in a way a pug is ugly, you know, so ugly they’re cute.”

Casey laughed as Dean’s face turned molten red, and Violet sighed. “Do you have to torment him? I am too tired to referee.”

“That’s what little sisters are for,” Daisy said.

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