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He honks the old truck’s horn. Something from another time it seems.

And in a single moment, I look down at Benjamin and then up at the truck again.

Realizing this is the part of the dream I’ve always had but could never remember.

The one where I’d always wake up without knowing how it ended.

It’s not cold, but I shiver, clutching Benji closer and kissing his head.

I’m still in a bit of a daze by the time Michael pulls up out front, his heavy boots thudding on the porch as he kisses us both hello.

“You alright honey? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” he says, pressing the back of his finger to my forehead like he always does when he thinks one of us has a temperature.

Curling my fingers around his, I bring them to my lips and kiss them.

“Just having a daydream,” I say.

I smile up at him, pulling him closer for a proper kiss.

“Hope it was a good one.”

He smiles, and lifting up Benji, he starts to rock him gently, burping him for me after his feed.

“Oh, it’s the best dream in the whole world,” I assure him.

The dream that I’m living.

The life we all share.


I love you, Michael.

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