Page 95 of Without a Doubt

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I've included four bonus scenes. You'll be able to read a scene with what was said when Eva and Glen escaped to Emerson's bedroom to make up for his withholding of information, the scene where Emerson giving Eva a key to his apartment from her point-of-view, Kelly's full letter to Emerson, and finally, a scene which fast-forwards to Emerson's proposal. I hope you enjoy these bonus scenes!

Thanks for reading,

Lindsay Paige

Eva and Glen making up

“CAN I BORROW your bedroom for a second?” I ask Emerson. When he nods, I turn to Glen, “Can I talk to you?”

Glen nods and I lead him down the hallway to Emerson's bedroom. We take a seat at the foot of the bed. I open the bag of cookies and pull one out for him and one for myself.

“Thanks,” he says.

“You're welcome.” I take a bite and then get on with it. I wasn't lying when I told him I stopped being mad at him before now, but it's time we officially make up. “I'm sorry for ignoring you. I was pissed you lied to me. You were my cousin way before you became his friend, so I automatically assumed that you would tell me any news no matter what. So, I'm sorry for putting you in the middle of my relationship with Emerson. I shouldn't have and it was unfair to do so.”

Glen shrugs. “I get it. I thought about telling you, but I didn't think it was that major. Emerson seemed to be shrugging it off and I knew you were freaked out—”

“I wasn't freaked out,” I object.

“You were worried about the situation,” he corrects with a roll of his eyes. “Either way, I trusted Emerson to handle it as he saw fit because he's a good guy.”

“Yes, he is,” I agree. “I promise I won't put you in the middle again. If he tells you something in the future, you don't need to tell me either. I think he'll tell me if it happens again.”

Glen's posture seems to relax as he finishes off his cookie. “I don't want to be in the middle of y'all either because that is definitely between a rock and a hard place, even though I would choose you every time. If for some reason Emerson doesn't tell you something I think you need to know, I will tell you. Otherwise, y'all are on your own. I'm hear to listen, but I don't want to play ref, or take sides, or stand in the middle.”

“Okay, that works for me.” Having finished my cookie, I lean over and hug him. “We should go watch the game before Emerson comes looking for us.”

Eva receiving the key to Emerson's apartment

“I HAVE A surprise for you,” Emerson says.

I almost forgot! I lift my head and grin at him, excited about what he may have for me. “When do I get to have it?”

“Now, if you want it.”

“Of course I do!” I tilt my head with my best Are you kidding? expression. When would I ever turn down a surprise? Never!

I sit, fold my legs underneath me, and cover my legs as he leans over to open a drawer of his nightstand. I lean to the right a little to attempt to peek at what he may have, but I can't see anything. My eyes are glued to his fist as he faces me again.

When Emerson clears his throat, I glance up at him. He takes a deep breath and I realize he's nervous, which is starting to make me nervous. “You stay over a lot and I thought I would give you one in case you ever needed it.” As he finishes, he opens his hand.

Oh. My. God.

There's a shiny, new key just lying in his palm.

He's giving me a key to his apartment? This is huge. I feel like I've been trying to wrap my head around how perfect we seem together, even with our issues, and now, to make it even better, he's letting me in a little more. He's sealing me into his future a little more. Itching to hold it, I gingerly reach out and pick it up. Wow. No wonder he was nervous. And I haven't said a word yet. I look at Emerson, speechless for probably the first time in my life.

“Thanks, Emerson.”

“You're welcome,” he replies.

I can't help but let my eyes fall back down to the key. This may just be the best day of our relationship yet.

“I have one more thing for you,” Emerson says. He stands and walks to his closet. After he fumbles around with something he picked up, he comes back to bed, holding up a keychain. It's a cute and simple silver E hanging from the chain. “E for Emerson or Eva,” he shrugs, giving it to me.

“Thank you.” That seems to be all I can say. I easily slip the key onto the ring. This is really happening. I smile at Emerson as what this means. “Does this mean I can come over unannounced and whenever I want?”

“You do that already,” he jokes with a smile.
